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Data Mine
A data mine is a hierarchy that contains definitions of sensor and indicators bots, and their plotters. These definitions are consumed from the actual code of such bots.
Un Data Mine es una jerarquía que contiene definiciones de sensor, bots indicadores, y sus trazadores. Estas definiciones se obtienen del código de dichos bots.
Data Mine - это иерархия, содержащая определения датчиков и ботов-индикаторов, а также их плоттеров. Эти определения взяты из фактического кода таких ботов.
Veri madeni, sensör ve gösterge botlarının tanımlarını ve bunların plotter'larını içeren bir hiyerarşidir.
Η εξόρυξη δεδομένων είναι μια ιεραρχία που περιέχει ορισμούς των ρομπότ αισθητήρων και δεικτών και των σχεδιογράφων τους. Αυτοί οι ορισμοί χρησιμοποιούνται από τον πραγματικό κώδικα τέτοιων ρομπότ.
Eine Data Mine ist eine Hierarchie, die Definitionen von Sensor- und Indikator-Bots und deren Plotter enthält. Diese Definitionen werden aus dem eigentlichen Code solcher Bots konsumiert.
In a way, data mines are catalogs of bots that anyone may create. This hierarchy provides all the tools required to create sensors, indicators, and plotters, with minimal coding required.
En cierto modo, los Data Mines son listas de bots que pueden ser creados por cualquier usuario. Esta jerarquía provee todas las herramientas necesarias para crear sensores, indicadores y gráficos, con un mínimo requerimiento de código.
В каком-то смысле Data Mine - это каталоги ботов, которые может создать каждый. Эта иерархия предоставляет все инструменты, необходимые для создания датчиков, индикаторов и плоттеров с минимальным кодированием.
Κατά κάποιο τρόπο, τα ορυχεία δεδομένων είναι κατάλογοι ρομπότ που μπορεί να δημιουργήσει ο καθένας. Αυτή η ιεραρχία παρέχει όλα τα εργαλεία που απαιτούνται για τη δημιουργία αισθητήρων, δεικτών και σχεδιογράφων, με ελάχιστη απαιτούμενη κωδικοποίηση.
In gewisser Weise sind Data Mines Kataloge von Bots, die jeder erstellen kann. Diese Hierarchie stellt alle Werkzeuge zur Verfügung, die zur Erstellung von Sensoren, Indikatoren und Plottern erforderlich sind, wobei nur ein Minimum an Kodierung erforderlich ist.
Bir bakıma veri madenleri, herkesin oluşturabileceği bot kataloglarıdır. Bu hiyerarşi, minimum kodlama ile sensörler, göstergeler ve çiziciler oluşturmak için gereken tüm araçları sağlar.
Because the hierarchy provides definitions, it does not intervene in the execution of bots. Instead, the definitions in data mines are instantiated from the network hierarchy by bot instances. Bot instances and process instances are the ones running the code according to the definitions in the corresponding data mine.
Debido a que la jerarquía solo proporciona definiciones, no interfiere en la ejecución de Bots. Sino que las definiciones en los Data Mines son instanciados desde la jerarquía Network por las instancias de los Bots. Las instancias de los Bots y las instancias de procesos son las encargadas de ejecutar el código acorde a las definiciones del Data Mine correspondiente.
Поскольку иерархия предоставляет определения, она не вмешивается в выполнение ботов. Вместо этого определения в Data Mine создаются экземплярами ботов из сетевой иерархии. Экземпляры ботов и экземпляры процессов - это те, которые запускают код в соответствии с определениями в соответствующем хранилище данных.
Επειδή η ιεραρχία παρέχει ορισμούς, δεν παρεμβαίνει στην εκτέλεση των ρομπότ. Αντίθετα, οι ορισμοί στα εξορυκτήρια δεδομένων δημιουργούνται από την ιεραρχία του δικτύου από ρομπότ. Τα ρομπότ και οι φάσεις διεργασίας είναι αυτές που εκτελούν τον κώδικα σύμφωνα με τους ορισμούς στο αντίστοιχο ορυχείο δεδομένων.
Da die Hierarchie Definitionen bereitstellt, greift sie nicht in die Ausführung von Bots ein. Stattdessen werden die Definitionen in Data Mines von der Netzwerkhierarchie durch Bot-Instanzen instanziiert. Bot-Instanzen und Prozess-Instanzen sind diejenigen, die den Code gemäß den Definitionen in der entsprechenden Datenmine ausführen.
Hiyerarşi tanımlar sağladığı için botların yürütülmesine müdahale etmez. Bunun yerine, veri madenlerindeki tanımlar, bot örnekleri tarafından ağ hiyerarşisinden başlatılır. Bot örnekleri ve süreç örnekleri, kodu ilgili veri madenindeki tanımlara göre çalıştıranlardır.
Data Mine Configuration
Конфигурирование Data Mine
Data Mine Konfiguration
Veri Madeni Yapılandırması
is the name of the data mine as used within the code of the system.
- это имя хранилища данных, используемое в коде системы.
ist der Name der Data Mine, wie er im Code des Systems verwendet wird.
sistem kodu içinde kullanılan veri madeni adıdır.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Data Mine configuration:
"codeName": "Type a name with no spaces or dashes"
This is a list of properties featured by the Data Mine configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Data Mine Menu
The Data Mine node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
- iconProject: Foundations
- dontShowAtFullscreen: true
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Foundations
The Add Sensor Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Sensor Bot
- relatedUiObject: Sensor Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Data-Mining
The Add API Data Fetcher Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add API Data Fetcher Bot
- relatedUiObject: API Data Fetcher Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Data-Mining
The Add Indicator Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Indicator Bot
- relatedUiObject: Indicator Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Data-Mining
The Add Study Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Study Bot
- relatedUiObject: Study Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Data-Mining
The Add Plotter menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Plotter
- relatedUiObject: Plotter
- relatedUiObjectProject: Foundations
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Data Mine already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Data Mine Children
The Data Mine node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Sensor Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: Sensor Bot
The Api Data Fetcher Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: API Data Fetcher Bot
The Indicator Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: Indicator Bot
The Study Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: Study Bot
The Plotters node property features the following properties:
- name: plotters
- type: array
- childType: Plotter
- project: Foundations