Available translations

Tutorial Step

A tutorial step is a type of node within a tutorial that may not have offspring. As such, it is the smallest unit of information in the hierarchy.
Tutorial Step Configuration
In addition to the basic configuration, tutorial step nodes feature a large collection of resources that allows you to manipulate the user interface and actual nodes in many ways.
Setting up a reference to any node in the workspace and using the below parameter makes the step load next to the referenced node.
     "positionAtReferenceParent": true,
Setting up a reference to any node in the workspace and using the below parameters allows placing different types of messages on the referenced node.
 "setErrorMessageReferenceParent": "This is a simulated error message!"
"setInfoMessageReferenceParent": "This is a simulated info message!"
"setValueReferenceParent": "This is a simulated value message!"
"setPercentageReferenceParent": "This is a simulated progress message!"
"setStatusReferenceParent": "This is a simulated status message!"
Centering and Zooming Into a Time Machine
Setting up a reference to a time machine node in the Charting Space hierarchy while using the below parameter causes the following:
  • The charting space viewport is centered on the referenced time machine.
  • The time machine is adjusted to fit the aspect ratio of the screen.
  • The viewport zooms into the time machine.
     "repositionAtTimeMachineReferenceParent": true,
Pressing Keys When on a Time Machine
Setting up a reference to a time machine node in the charting space hierarchy and using the below parameters allows replicating the pressing of relevant key combinations when on a time machine.
 "keyPressedTimeMachineReferenceParent": {
"shiftKey": true,
"ctrlKey": true,
"metaKey": true,
"key": "A"
  • shiftKey, ctrlKey, and metaKey (Mac OS equivalent to Control) may be true or false.
  • key may be any letter or number.
Pressing Keys on the Design Space
It is also possible to press any combination of keys within the Design Space. The format works the same as above but the key press will happen within the context of the design space.
 "keyPressed": {
"shiftKey": true,
"ctrlKey": true,
"metaKey": true,
"key": "R"
Toggling Map View
In order to switch between regular and map view, you can use the following configuration.
 "toggleMapView": {
        "view": "On"
Valid options are:
  • "On"
  • "Off"
Changing Node's Configurations
The batchConfigChangesReferenceParent property allows you to edit the configuration of a referenced node and their offspring.
The example below changes the configuration of the three different scale nodes under a time machine. In this case, the time machine is the node referenced, the nodePath is the path of the node whose configuration must be changed relative to the referenceParent, and the properties parameter is the actual configuration to be set.
 "batchConfigChangesReferenceParent": [
            "nodePath": "referenceParent.timeScale",
            "properties": {
                "autoMinScale": false,
                "autoMaxScale": false,
                "fromDate": "2020-08-31T23:40:00.000Z",
                "toDate": "2020-09-01T01:00:00.000Z"
            "nodePath": "referenceParent.rateScale",
            "properties": {
                "autoMinScale": false,
                "autoMaxScale": false,
                "minValue": 11400,
                "maxValue": 11800
            "nodePath": "referenceParent.timeFrameScale",
            "properties": {
                "value": "01-min"
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Tutorial Step configuration:
    "icon": {
        "name": "",
        "project": "Foundations"
    "position": "Left",
    "slider": "toTop",
    "pressButton": "",
    "docs": {
        "project": "Foundations",
        "category": "Tutorial",
        "type": ""
    "controlDocs": {
        "panel": "",
        "closeTutorialEditor": false,
        "page": {
            "project": "Foundations",
            "category": "",
            "type": ""
This is a list of properties featured by the Tutorial Step configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Tutorial Step Menu
The Tutorial Step node has the following Node Menu items:
The Play menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Play Tutorial Step
  • actionProject: Education
  • label: Play
  • iconPathOn: play
  • iconPathOff: play
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
The Resume menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Resume Tutorial Step
  • actionProject: Education
  • label: Resume
  • iconPathOn: resume
  • iconPathOff: resume
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Configure
  • actionFunction: uiObject.configEditor.activate
  • label: Configure
  • iconPathOn: configuration
  • iconPathOff: configuration
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Delete UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • askConfirmation: true
  • confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
  • label: Delete
  • iconPathOn: delete-entity
  • iconPathOff: delete-entity
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
Tutorial Step Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Tutorial Step with other nodes:
Compatible Types:
Tutorial Step Referencing Rules
The following are the Node Referencing Rules that determine which nodes Tutorial Step may establish a reference to:
Compatible Types:
Incompatible Types: