Summary: The Community, or the Superalgos Community, is the group of entities participating in the Superalgos project, either actively contributing to advancing the project or passively using the Superalgos Network.
Summary: La Community, o la Superalgos Community, es el grupo de entidades que participan en el proyecto Superalgos, ya sea contribuyendo activamente al avance del proyecto o utilizando pasivamente el software Superalgos. Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... The Community, or the Superalgos Community, is the group of entities participating in the Superalgos project, either actively contributing to advancing the project or passively using the Superalgos Network. Please update this translation.
Summary: Community, или Community Superalgos - это группа организаций, участвующих в проекте Superalgos или активно способствующих продвижению проекта, или пассивно использующих Superalgos Network.
Summary: Superalgos Topluluğu, Superalgos projesine katılan, projenin ilerlemesine aktif olarak katkıda bulunan veya Superalgos Ağı'nı ( Superalgos Network ) kullanan kişi ve kuruluşlar grubudur.
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