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Superalgos SA Token

Summary: It is the native token of the Superalgos Project, distributed among contributors as rewards for value added to the project. You may use the token to participate in governance and to access premium Community services.
Summary: Это собственный токен проекта Superalgos, распределяемый среди участников в качестве вознаграждения за добавленную в проект пользу. Вы можете использовать токен для участия в управлении и для доступа к премиум-услугам Сообщества.
Summary: Superalgos kullanıcılarının alıp sattıkları ürün veya hizmetler için ödeme yaparken değişim aracı olarak kullanacakları Binance Akıllı Zincirindeki BEP20 tokenidir. Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... It is the native token of the Superalgos Project, distributed among contributors as rewards for value added to the project. You may use the token to participate in governance and to access premium Community services. Please update this translation.
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Özellikler Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... Multiple Versions Please update this translation.
The project is deploying versions of the token on each of the major blockchains to gain exposure to different communities and ecosystems. Currently, the token is available on BNB Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum (ETH). At some point, you will be able to chose on what chain to get your rewards.
Проект развертывает версии токена на каждой из основных блокчейн, чтобы получить доступ к различным сообществам и экосистемам. В определенный момент вы сможете выбрать, на какой цепочке получать свои вознаграждения. Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... The project is deploying versions of the token on each of the major blockchains to gain exposure to different communities and ecosystems. Currently, the token is available on BNB Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum (ETH). At some point, you will be able to chose on what chain to get your rewards. Please update this translation.
The SA Token has the following properties:
Токен SA имеет следующие свойства:
SA Token aşağıdaki özelliklere sahiptir:
- Name: Superalgos
- Adı: Superalgos
- Ticker: SA
- Simgesi: SA
- Max Total Supply: 1,500,000,000
- Maksimum toplam Arz: 1,500,000,000
- BNB Smart Chain (BSC) version: 500,000,000
- Binance Smart Chain'de Dağıtılacak Miktar: 500,000,000 Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... BNB Smart Chain (BSC) version: 500,000,000 Please update this translation.
- BSC Contract Address: 0xfb981ed9a92377ca4d75d924b9ca06df163924fd
- Kontrat Adresi: 0xfb981ed9a92377ca4d75d924b9ca06df163924fd Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... BSC Contract Address: 0xfb981ed9a92377ca4d75d924b9ca06df163924fd Please update this translation.
- Ethereum (ETH) version: 250,000,000
- ETH Contract Address: 0xc17272c3e15074c55b810bceba02ba0c4481cd79
Once deployed, tokens are deposited in the project's Treasury Account. The tokens are distributed to contributors from this account, on a per-release basis.
После развертывания токены зачисляются на казначейский счет проекта. С этого счета токены распределяются среди вкладчиков на основе каждого выпуска.
Token Mart 2021'de ortaya çıktı ve tüm tokenler projenin Hazine Hesabına yatırıldı. Tokenler, bu hesaptan katkıda bulunanlara sürüm bazında dağıtılır. Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... Once deployed, tokens are deposited in the project's Treasury Account. The tokens are distributed to contributors from this account, on a per-release basis. Please update this translation.
- BSC Treasury Account: 0x8d4d2557ce99f83f658adf61eef3e61e04c2ac2c
- Hazine Hesabı: 0x8d4d2557ce99f83f658adf61eef3e61e04c2ac2c Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... BSC Treasury Account: 0x8d4d2557ce99f83f658adf61eef3e61e04c2ac2c Please update this translation.
- ETH Treasury Account: 0xa54c30122d477589311ee28b85c0e8dc8f12680a
Tip: Learn more about the Superalgos SA Token on the website.
Tip: Узнайте больше о токене Superalgos SA на веб-сайте.
Tip: Web sitesinde Superalgos SA Simgesi hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz.