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Backtesting Session
A backtesting session is a trading mode by which the trading bot instance reads historic market data in a user-defined datetime range, applies the rules defined in the associated trading system, and generates a trading simulation.
Un backtesting sessiones un modo de trading mediante el cual la instancia del bot de trading lee datos históricos del mercado en un rango de fecha y hora definido por el usuario, aplica las reglas definidas en el Trading System asociado y genera una simulación trading.
Backtesting Session - это торговый режим, с помощью которого экземпляр торгового бота считывает исторические рыночные данные в заданном пользователем диапазоне дат и времени, применяет правила, определенные в соответствующей торговой системе и генерирует торговую симуляцию.
Geriye dönük test oturumu, ticaret botu'nun kullanıcı tanımlı bir tarih-saat aralığında geçmiş piyasa verilerini okuduğu, ilgili ticaret sisteminde tanımlanan kuralları uyguladığı ve bir ticaret simülasyonunu çalıştırdığı ticaret modudur.
A backtesting session node must reference a trading system to gain access to the trading logic to be applied during the session. Other considerations framing the session come from the set of parameters attached to it.
Узел сеанса бэктестирования должен ссылаться на торговую систему, чтобы получить доступ к торговой логике, которая будет применяться во время сеанса. Другие соображения, касающиеся сеанса, исходят из набора прикрепленных к нему параметров.
Geriye dönük test oturumu düğümü, oturum sırasında uygulanacak ticaret mantığına erişim kazanmak için bir ticaret sistemine başvurmalıdır. Oturumu çerçeveleyen diğer hususlar, ona ekli parametreler kümesinden gelir.
Running a Backtesting Session
Запуск Backtesting Session
Geriye Dönük Test Oturumu Çalıştırma
Before you start a backtesting session, the corresponding task needs to be running, as it is the task that puts the trading bot instance to run. Once the trading bot instance is running, select Run on the menu to start the session.
Перед тем, как вы начнете сеанс бэктестинга, необходимо запустить соответствующую задачу, так как именно эта задача запускает экземпляр торгового бота. После запуска экземпляра торгового бота выберите в меню пункт «Run», чтобы начать сеанс.
Bir geriye dönük test oturumu başlatmadan önce, ticaret botu örneğini çalıştıran görev olduğu için ilgili görevin çalışıyor olması gerekir. Ticaret botu örneği çalıştığında, oturumu başlatmak için menüden Çalıştır'ı seçin.
After a few seconds, a literal indication of the progress of the calculations appears below the session node, displaying the date that is currently being processed. Once the calculation is finished, the session stops and the date below the session node disappears.
Через несколько секунд под узлом сеанса появится буквальное указание хода вычислений, отображающее дату, которая в данный момент обрабатывается. Как только расчет завершен, сеанс останавливается, и дата под узлом сеанса исчезает.
Birkaç saniye sonra, oturum düğümünün altında, o anda işlenmekte olan tarihi gösteren, hesaplamaların ilerleyişinin gerçek bir göstergesi belirir. Hesaplama bittiğinde, oturum durur ve oturum düğümünün altındaki tarih kaybolur.
To stop a backtesting session, select Stop on the menu.
Чтобы остановить сеанс тестирования на истории, выберите в меню «Stop».
Geriye dönük test oturumunu durdurmak için menüden Durdur'u seçin.
Backtesting Session Configuration
Конфигурация Backtesting Session
Geri Test Oturumu Yapılandırması
allows you to set a significant name to the folder in which the data products—and logs—generated by the session are stored. If left blank, the system names the folders with the session id. This may be handy when you intend to consult the raw data generated by the session, as, otherwise, the folder would be hard to identify.
позволяет задать значимое имя для папки, в которой хранятся продукты данных и журналы, созданные сеансом. Если оставить поле пустым, система присвоит папкам имена с идентификатором сеанса. Это может быть удобно, если вы собираетесь ознакомиться с необработанными данными, сгенерированными в ходе сеанса, так как в противном случае папку было бы трудно идентифицировать.
, oturum tarafından oluşturulan veri ürünlerinin ve günlüklerin depolandığı klasöre önemli bir ad ayarlamanıza olanak tanır. Boş bırakılırsa, sistem klasörleri oturum kimliğiyle adlandırır. Bu, oturum tarafından oluşturulan ham verilere başvurmayı düşündüğünüzde kullanışlı olabilir, aksi takdirde klasörün tanımlanması zor olacaktır.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Backtesting Session configuration:
"folderName": ""
This is a list of properties featured by the Backtesting Session configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Backtesting Session Menu
The Backtesting Session node has the following Node Menu items:
The Run menu item has the following properties:
- action: Run Trading Session
- label: Run
- workingLabel: Run Request Sent
- workDoneLabel: Session Running
- workFailedLabel: Session Cannot be Ran
- secondaryAction: Stop Trading Session
- secondaryLabel: Stop
- secondaryWorkingLabel: Stopping...
- secondaryWorkDoneLabel: Session Stopped
- secondaryWorkFailedLabel: Session Cannot be Stopped
- secondaryIcon: stop
- iconPathOn: run
- iconPathOff: run
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Algorithmic-Trading
The Resume menu item has the following properties:
- action: Resume Trading Session
- label: Resume
- workingLabel: Resume Request Sent
- workDoneLabel: Session Running
- workFailedLabel: Session Cannot be Resumed
- secondaryAction: Stop Trading Session
- secondaryLabel: Stop
- secondaryWorkingLabel: Stopping...
- secondaryWorkDoneLabel: Session Stopped
- secondaryWorkFailedLabel: Session Cannot be Stopped
- secondaryIcon: stop
- iconPathOn: resume
- iconPathOff: resume
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Algorithmic-Trading
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
- dontShowAtFullscreen: true
- actionFunction:
The Add Social Bots menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Social Bots
- relatedUiObject: Social Bots
- actionFunction:
- relatedUiObjectProject: Social-Bots
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
The Add Missing Children menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add Missing Children
- label: Add Missing Children
- relatedUiObject: Trading Parameters
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Foundations
The Switch To Paper Trading menu item has the following properties:
- action: Switch To Paper Trading
- label: Switch To Paper Trading
- relatedUiObject: Paper Trading Session
- actionFunction:
- relatedUiObjectProject: Foundations
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Backtesting Session already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Backtesting Session Children
The Backtesting Session node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Trading Parameters node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Trading Parameters
- autoAdd: true
The Trading System Reference node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Trading System Reference
- autoAdd: true
The Trading Engine Reference node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Trading Engine Reference
- autoAdd: true
The Social Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Social Bots
- project: Social-Bots
Backtesting Session Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Backtesting Session with other nodes:
Compatible Types: