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Github API

In this Node your github credentials get saved.

In dieser Node werden Ihre Github Anmeldedaten(Credentials) gespeichert.

В этом узле сохраняются ваши учетные данные Github.

Bu Node'da github kimlik bilgileriniz kaydedilir.
You add your username between the qoutes after "username":. You add your custom github api token between the quotes after: "token":. These credentials are for example needed for updating your local branch.
Sie fügen Ihren Benutzernamen zwischen den Anführungszeichen nach "username": ein. Sie fügen Ihr benutzerdefiniertes Github-Api-Token zwischen den Anführungszeichen nach: "token": ein. Diese Anmeldeinformationen werden zum Beispiel für die Aktualisierung Ihrer lokalen branch benötigt.
Вы добавляете свое имя пользователя в поле "username" и добавляете свой пользовательский токен github api в поле "token". Эти учетные данные нужны, например, для обновления локальной ветки.
Kullanıcı adınızı "kullanıcı adı" ifadesinden sonraki satırların arasına eklersiniz:. Sonrasındaki tırnak işaretleri arasına özel github api token'ınızı ekliyorsunuz: "token":. Bu kimlik bilgileri örneğin yerel şubenizi güncellemek için gereklidir.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Github API configuration:
"username": "",
"token": ""
This is a list of properties featured by the Github API configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Github API Menu
The Github API node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
- dontShowAtFullscreen: true
- actionFunction:
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Github API already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Github API Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Github API with other nodes:
Compatible Types: