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Process Definition
The process definition node groups all definitions required for a process to function. The Multi-Time-Frame-Market Process deals with time frames of one hour and above. The Multi-Time-Frame-Daily Process deals with time frames of 45 minutes and below.
Узел Process Definition группирует все определения, необходимые для функционирования процесса. Процесс с Multi-Time-Frame-Market имеет дело с таймфреймами от одного часа и более. Процесс с Multi-Time-Frame-Daily имеет дело с таймфреймами от 45 минут и ниже.
Süreç tanımı düğümü, bir sürecin çalışması için gereken tüm tanımları gruplar. Çoklu Zaman Dilimi-Piyasa Süreci ( Multi-Time-Frame-Market Process ) bir saat ve üzeri zaman dilimleriyle ilgilenir. Çoklu Zaman Dilimi-Günlük Süreci ( Multi-Time-Frame-Daily Process ) 45 dakika ve altındaki zaman dilimleriyle ilgilenir.
As hinted above, most bots—in particular indicators—have two different processes. The reason is that different data structures need to be handled in different manners. The Multi-Time-Frame-Daily process handles daily files, while the Multi-Time-Frame-Market process handles market files.
Как указывалось выше, у большинства ботов, в частности индикаторов, есть два разных процесса. Причина в том, что с разными структурами данных нужно обращаться по-разному. Процесс Multi-Time-Frame-Daily обрабатывает ежедневные файлы, а процесс Multi-Time-Frame-Market обрабатывает файлы рынка.
Yukarıda ima edildiği gibi, çoğu botun - özellikle de göstergelerin - iki farklı süreci vardır. Bunun nedeni, farklı veri yapılarının farklı şekillerde ele alınması gerekliliğidir. Multi-Time-Frame-Daily süreci günlük dosyaları işlerken, Multi-Time-Frame-Market süreci piyasa dosyalarını işler.
The Multi-Time-Frame-Market process deals with time frames of one hour and above. Because these time frames produce relatively small numbers of records, the process builds one single file per time frame spanning the whole market history—hence the name Multi-Time-Frame-Market.
Процесс Multi-Time-Frame-Market имеет дело с таймфреймами от одного часа и выше. Поскольку эти таймфреймы производят относительно небольшое количество записей, процесс создает один единственный файл для каждого временного интервала, охватывающего всю историю рынка - отсюда и название Multi-Time-Frame-Market.
Multi-Time-Frame-Market süreci bir saat ve üzeri zaman dilimleriyle ilgilenir. Bu zaman dilimleri nispeten az sayıda kayıt ürettiğinden, süreç tüm piyasa geçmişini kapsayan her zaman dilimi için tek bir dosya oluşturur; bu nedenle Çoklu Zaman Dilimi-Piyasası ( Multi-Time-Frame-Market ) olarak adlandırılır.
On the other hand, the Multi-Time-Frame-Daily process deals with time frames below one hour. These time frames produce huge numbers of records, therefore, the corresponding data must be fragmented in multiple files. The Multi-Time-Frame-Daily process builds one file per day for each time frame—hence the name Multi-Time-Frame-Daily.
С другой стороны, процесс Multi-Time-Frame-Daily имеет дело с таймфреймами менее одного часа. Эти таймфреймы создают огромное количество записей, поэтому соответствующие данные должны быть фрагментированы в несколько файлов. Процесс Multi-Time-Frame-Daily создает один файл в день для каждого временного интервала - отсюда и название Multi-Time-Frame-Daily.
Öte yandan, Çoklu Zaman Dilimi-Günlük ( Multi-Time-Frame-Daily ) işlemi bir saatin altındaki zaman dilimleriyle ilgilenir. Bu zaman dilimleri çok sayıda kayıt üretir, bu nedenle ilgili verilerin birden fazla dosyada parçalanması gerekir. Multi-Time-Frame-Daily işlemi her zaman dilimi için günde bir dosya oluşturur; Multi-Time-Frame-Daily adı da buradan gelmektedir.
Note: The way in which datasets are structured by each of the processes is determined by the corresponding dataset definitions.
Note: Способ структурирования наборов данных каждым из процессов определяется соответствующими определениями наборов данных.
Note: Veri kümelerinin her bir süreç tarafından yapılandırılma şekli, ilgili veri kümesi tanımları tarafından belirlenir.
Warning: When editing process definitions, pay attention to running tasks using these. For modifications to be effective, you have to stop/start the concerned tasks
Warning: Конфигурация Process Definition Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... When editing process definitions, pay attention to running tasks using these. For modifications to be effective, you have to stop/start the concerned tasks Please update this translation.
Warning: İşlem tanımlarını düzenlerken, bunları kullanan çalışan görevlere dikkat edin. Değişikliklerin etkili olabilmesi için ilgili görevleri durdurmanız/başlatmanız gerekir.
is the name of the process as used within the code of the system.
- это имя процесса, используемое в коде системы.
sistemin kodu içinde kullanılan sürecin adıdır.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Process Definition configuration:
"codeName": "Multi-Time-Frame-Market|Multi-Time-Frame-Market|From-One-Min-To-Multi-Time-Frame-Daily|From-One-Min-To-Multi-Time-Frame-Market",
"normalWaitTime": 0,
"retryWaitTime": 10000,
"framework": {
"name": "Multi-Time-Frame-Market|Multi-Time-Frame-Market|From-One-Min-To-Multi-Time-Frame-Daily|From-One-Min-To-Multi-Time-Frame-Market"
This is a list of properties featured by the Process Definition configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Process Definition Menu
The Process Definition node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
- dontShowAtFullscreen: true
- actionFunction:
The Add Missing Items menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add Missing Children
- label: Add Missing Items
- relatedUiObject: Calculations Procedure
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Foundations
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Process Definition already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Process Definition Children
The Process Definition node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Process Output node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Process Output
- autoAdd: true
The Process Dependencies node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Process Dependencies
- autoAdd: true
The Status Report node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Status Report
- autoAdd: true
The Execution Started Event node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Execution Started Event
- autoAdd: true
The Execution Finished Event node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Execution Finished Event
- autoAdd: true
Process Definition Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Process Definition with other nodes:
Compatible Types: