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Profit Loss
Profit loss is the difference between the balance at the end and the balance at the beginning of a certain period, given by the context.
Profit Loss - это разница между балансом на конец и балансом на начало определенного периода, заданная контекстом.
Kâr kaybı, belirli bir dönemin sonundaki bakiye ile başındaki bakiye arasındaki farktır ve duruma göre verilir.
In the context of the base asset or the quoted asset, the calculation is done by subtracting the balances in the corresponding assets, using the variable appropriate to the larger context (i.e.: episode, position, etc.).
В контексте базового актива или котируемого актива расчет производится путем вычитания балансов в соответствующих активах с использованием переменной, соответствующей более широкому контексту (т.е.: эпизод, позиция и т.д.).
Temel varlık veya kote edilen varlık bağlamında, hesaplama, daha büyük duruma uygun değişken (örneğin: bölüm, pozisyon, vb.) kullanılarak ilgili varlıklardaki bakiyelerin çıkarılmasıyla yapılır.
In general terms:
В общих чертах:
Genel anlamda:
base asset profit loss = base asset end balance - base asset begin balance
quoted asset profit loss = quoted asset end balance - quoted asset begin balance
In the case of the Episode Base Asset and Episode Quoted Asset:
В случае Episode Base Asset и Episode Quoted Asset:
Bölüm Temel Varlığı ( Episode Base Asset ) ve Bölüm Kotalı Varlığı ( Episode Quoted Asset ) söz konusu olduğunda:
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeBaseAsset.profitLoss.value =
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeBaseAsset.balance.value -
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeQuotedAsset.profitLoss.value =
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeQuotedAsset.balance.value -
In the case of the Position Base Asset and Position Quoted Asset:
В случае Position Base Asset и Position Quoted Asset:
Pozisyon Baz Varlığı ( Position Base Asset ) ve Pozisyon Kotalı Varlığı ( Position Quoted Asset ) söz konusu olduğunda:
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.position.positionBaseAsset.profitLoss.value =
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeBaseAsset.balance.value -
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.position.positionQuotedAsset.profitLoss.value =
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeQuotedAsset.balance.value -
In the context of the episode statistics or the position statistics, the calculation is done consolidating the profits of both assets.
В контексте статистики по эпизодам или статистики по позициям расчет производится с объединением прибыли обоих активов.
Bölüm istatistikleri veya pozisyon istatistikleri bağlamında, hesaplama her iki varlığın karları konsolide edilerek yapılır.
Note: When the context does not refer to either of the assets in particular, then both assets are taken into account in the calculation.
Note: Если в контексте не упоминается ни один из активов в частности, то при расчете учитываются оба актива.
Note: Bağlamda varlıklardan herhangi birine özellikle atıfta bulunulmadığında, hesaplamada her iki varlık da dikkate alınır.
In the context of the episode statistics:
В контексте статистики эпизодов:
Bölüm istatistikleri bağlamında:
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.tradingEpisodeStatistics.profitLoss.value =
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeBaseAsset.profitLoss.value *
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.candle.close.value +
In the context of the position statistics:
В контексте статистики позиций:
Pozisyon istatistikleri bağlamında:
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.position.positionStatistics.profitLoss.value =
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.episodeBaseAsset.profitLoss.value *
tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.position.endRate.value +
Profit Loss Configuration
Конфигурация Profit Loss
Kâr Zarar Yapılandırması (Profit Loss Configuration)
allows resetting the initial state of the node to an arbitrary value.
позволяет сбросить начальное состояние узла на произвольное значение.
düğümün başlangıç durumunun rastgele bir değere sıfırlanmasını sağlar.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Profit Loss configuration:
"initialValue": 0
This is a list of properties featured by the Profit Loss configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Profit Loss Menu
The Profit Loss node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
- actionFunction:
The Copy Node Path menu item has the following properties:
- action: Copy Node Path
- label: Copy Node Path
- iconPathOn: copy-path
- iconPathOff: copy-path
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
The Copy Node Value menu item has the following properties:
- action: Copy Node Value
- label: Copy Node Value
- iconPathOn: copy-value
- iconPathOff: copy-value
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
The Copy Node Type menu item has the following properties:
- action: Copy Node Type
- label: Copy Node Type
- iconPathOn: copy-type
- iconPathOff: copy-type
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Profit Loss already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Profit Loss Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Profit Loss with other nodes:
Compatible Types: