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Target Size In Quoted Asset
Target size in quoted asset is used to define the size of the position, denominating it in the quoted asset.
Target Size In Quoted Asset используется для определения размера позиции, выраженного в котируемом активе.
Kote varlıkta hedef büyüklük, pozisyonun büyüklüğünü tanımlamak için kullanılır ve kote varlık cinsinden ifade edilir.
If you prefer to define the size of the position denominated in the quoted asset, then use this node and delete the target size in base asset node.
Если вы предпочитаете определять размер позиции, выраженной в котируемом активе, то используйте этот узел и удалите целевой размер в узле базового актива.
Kote edilen varlık cinsinden pozisyonun boyutunu tanımlamayı tercih ederseniz, bu düğümü kullanın ve temel varlık düğümündeki hedef büyüklüğü (Target Size In Base Asset) silin.
Important: Make sure you read the definition of the target size in base asset node to get the proper context for this definition.
Important: Обязательно прочитайте определение целевого размера в узле базовых активов, чтобы определить для этого правильный контекст.
Important: Bu tanımla ilgili optimum şartları elde etmek için temel varlık düğümündeki hedef boyut tanımını okuduğunuzdan emin olun.
Target Size In Quoted Asset Menu
The Target Size In Quoted Asset node has the following Node Menu items:
The Add Formula menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
- propertyToCheckFor: formula
- label: Add Formula
- relatedUiObject: Formula
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Foundations
The Add Ask Portfolio Manager menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Ask Portfolio Manager
- disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
- propertyToCheckFor:
- relatedUiObject: Ask Portfolio Formula Manager
- actionFunction:
- relatedUiObjectProject: Portfolio-Management
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
The Add Outgoing Signals menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
- propertyToCheckFor:
- actionFunction:
- label: Add Outgoing Signals
- relatedUiObject: Outgoing Signals
- relatedUiObjectProject: Trading-Signals
The Add Incoming Signals menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
- propertyToCheckFor:
- actionFunction:
- label: Add Incoming Signals
- relatedUiObject: Incoming Signals
- relatedUiObjectProject: Trading-Signals
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Target Size In Quoted Asset already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Target Size In Quoted Asset Children
The Target Size In Quoted Asset node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Formula node property features the following properties:
- name: formula
- type: node
- childType: Formula
- autoAdd: true
The Ask Portfolio Formula Manager node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Ask Portfolio Formula Manager
The Outgoing Signals node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Outgoing Signals
- project: Trading-Signals
The Incoming Signals node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Incoming Signals
- project: Trading-Signals
Target Size In Quoted Asset Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Target Size In Quoted Asset with other nodes:
Compatible Types: