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ARPS Slow & ARPS Fast

Summary: Measures the average Bull Power and average Bear Power in the average Total Range.
ARPS - Average Range Percentage Spread
ARPS Slow and ARPS Fast measures the Average Bull and Average Bear power within a given, configurable range.
Two separate indicators that can be used either separately or in combination with others.
ARPS follows price action by using a SMA center line, and prints out the bullish power visualised by a blue line, and a red line for bearish power. The distance from the centerline represents the strength of the powers. The greater distance away from the center line, the greater advantage.
The distance between the bull and bear lines represents the average total range for the period.
Looking at the Plotter Panel will give you the values measured in percentage (%).
How is ARPS calculated?
All values are being calculated through a SMA function.
  • Bull Power is the measured distance between the candle low and candle close, divided the candle range.
  • Bear Power is the measured distance between the candle high and candle close, divided the candle range.
  • The average Bull Power and average Bear Power are divided through the Average Total Range for the same given period - Giving the Average Range Spread.
  • All values are multiplied by 100 to convert it to percentage form (%).
Change the input to optimise it for your use case!
Most of Omega indicators can use different period values. To change periods:
  • Put the text marker in the edit box, and press Arrow Up until you reach the top of the code.
  • Look for "User defined values".
  • Enter the values of your choice.
Products, Properties & Examples
Product Name Product Variable Properties
ARPS Slow slowARPS ARPS, apsBull, apsBear, SMA, percentageARPS, percentageApsBull, percentage apsBear
 /* EXAMPLES for ARPS Slow */

// Bullish cross (Bull Power turns greater than Bear Power)
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.previous.apsBull < 
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.previous.apsBear && 
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.apsBull > 

// Bearish cross (Bear Power turns greater than Bull Power)
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.previous.apsBull > 
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.previous.apsBear && 
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.apsBull < 

// Average Price is going up compared to previous Average Price
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.previous.SMA < chart.at01hs.slowARPS.SMA

// The Average Range, measured in percent, is greater than 0.5%
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.percentageARPS > 0.5

// The Average Range, measured in rate, is greater than 1
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.ARPS > 1
Product Name Product Variable Properties
ARPS Fast fastARPS ARPS, apsBull, apsBear, SMA, percentageARPS, percentageApsBull, percentage apsBear
 /* EXAMPLES for ARPS Fast */

// Bullish cross (Bull Power turns greater than Bear Power)
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.previous.apsBull < 
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.previous.apsBear && 
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.apsBull > 

// Bearish cross (Bear Power turns greater than Bull Power)
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.previous.apsBull > 
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.previous.apsBear && 
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.apsBull < 

// Average Price is going up compared to previous Average Price
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.previous.SMA < chart.at01hs.slowARPS.SMA

// The Average Range, measured in percent, is greater than 0.5%
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.percentageARPS > 0.5

// The Average Range, measured in rate, is greater than 1
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.ARPS > 1
That Wombo-Combo!
 /* EXAMPLES for ARPS Slow and ARPS Fast combined */

// Fast SMA crosses Slow SMA (Bullish)
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.previous.SMA < 
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.previous.SMA && 
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.SMA > 

// Fast Bull crosses Slow SMA (Bearish)
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.previous.apsBull > 
chart.at01hs.slowARPS.previous.SMA && 
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.apsBull < 

// Fast Average Price is above Slow Average Price
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.SMA > chart.at01hs.slowARPS.SMA

// The Fast Average Range is greater than 0.5 & greater than the Slow Average Range
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.percentageARPS > 0.5 &&
chart.at01hs.fastARPS.ARPS > chart.at01hs.slowARPS.ARPS
Chaikin Oscillator
Average VS Average