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Charting Space Hierarchy

Summary: The charting space hierarchy organizes the charts on the Viewport and controls their behavior.
Foundations->Node->Charting Space->Definition
The charting space is the hierarchy that governs the configuration of the charts, and the bidimensional space on which charts are drawn.
Foundations->Node->Charting Space->Content
Think of the charting space as a huge drawing board. You may have lots of information plotted on different parts of the space and use a viewport to look into that space.
There is only one charting space hierarchy, thus all charts are configured here. As is common throughout the system, different concepts and elements of the charts such as scales, data layers and so on, are represented by nodes in the hierarchy. The system allows great flexibility on how to visualize information over the charts by adding, configuring, and arranging these nodes.
Foundations->Concept->Reusable Snippets->Note for Hierarchy Tables
The viewport is a window through which you may look into the charting space.
The viewport offers an opening into the visual environment in which you may see, analyze and go over every piece of data involved in the process of trading cryptocurrencies:
  • Live and historic market data;
  • Data crunched in the form of indicators;
  • The specific effects of the rules you will program into your strategies, and how strategies behave during testing and live trading sessions.
Space Style
Foundations->Node->Space Style->Definition
The Space Style node Controls the Look and Feel of it's Parent Nodes Space.
Space Settings
Foundations->Node->Space Settings->Definition
The space settings node features controls over the physics, proportions, and positioning of icons representing nodes, and their menus.
Project Dashboards
Foundations->Node->Project Dashboards->Definition
The Project Dashboards node groups dashboards by project, acting as an organizational device.
A dashboard is a collection of time machines, each containing any number of charts.
The concept of the dashboard allows having multiple charts configured all at once, so that you may consult different exchanges, different markets, different time frames, or different technical studies on demand, simply by moving around and zooming in or out. You may put charts side by side, or even superimpose them to study market flows, search for arbitrage opportunities, or simply keep them in sight when you analyze particular market situations.
At the moment, the functionality of a dashboard is trivial: grouping time machines. However, in the future, it will offer various features to enhance the user experience.
Fundamental Charting Space Concepts
Time Machines and Timeline Charts