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Crypto Ecosystem Hierarchy

Summary: The crypto ecosystem hierarchy organizes the infrastructure of exchanges, markets and user accounts.
Foundations->Node->Crypto Ecosystem->Definition
The crypto ecosystem is a hierarchy that contains definitions about third-parties, including exchanges and their markets, as well as accounts of users with those third parties.
Foundations->Node->Crypto Ecosystem->Content
There is only one crypto ecosystem hierarchy. You will use it to define which exchanges and which markets you wish to work with, as well as the details of your accounts with those exchanges.
Crypto Exchanges
Foundations->Node->Crypto Exchanges->Definition
The crypto exchanges node groups definitions of the different exchanges the user may interact with.
Crypto Exchange
Foundations->Node->Crypto Exchange->Definition
A crypto exchange node holds the definitions of assets and markets in a specific exchange.
Foundations->Concept->Reusable Snippets->Note for Hierarchy Tables
Exchange Assets
Foundations->Node->Exchange Assets->Definition
The exchange assets node groups the definitions of assets that may be used to define markets under the Exchange Markets node.
Exchange Markets
Foundations->Node->Exchange Markets->Definition
The exchange markets node groups the definitions of markets.
Exchange Accounts
Foundations->Node->Exchange Accounts->Definition
The exchange accounts node groups the different accounts the user may have with the corresponding exchange.
Foundations->Node->Exchange Accounts->Content
This section of the Crypto Ecosystem hierarchy deals with concepts related to the user.
How to Install a New Market

Crypto Ecosystem — TOC

You just read page 1 in the topic.

1. Crypto Ecosystem Hierarchy

2. How to Install a New Market

3. How to Uninstall an Existing Market