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Docs Add Command

Summary: Use this command to add a new page to the Docs.
This command adds a new page to the docs allowing you to specify where and what type of page you would like to add. The command specifies four main properties of your new page:
  • Page Type: Superalgos'documentation is broken up into a variety of different page catagories. You can read more about the different options at this page: Docs Page Category
  • The Project within which the page will live: Each project within Superalgos contains it's own documentation. This option allows you to choose the project your page will be added to.
Existing projects listed on the table below, for your convenience.
Education->Concept->Current projects->current projects
ProjectProject Explanation
Algorithmic-TradingProject Explanation
Community-PluginsProject Explanation
Data-MiningProject Explanation
EducationThis Project is about building up and maintaining the Docs (-Articles)
EthereumProject Explanation
FoundationsProject Explanation
GovernanceManages and organizes the Superalgos Project (All of us, the community)
Machine-LearningProject Explanation
NetworkProject Explanation
Social-BotsProject Explanation
Social-TradingProject Explanation
TensorFlowProject Explanation
Visual-ScriptingProject Explanation
Created and maintained by gitforkgit. Feel free to add more specific explanations and if needed new projects.
  • Topic, Tutorial, or Review Title: Collections of pages are gathered under topic titles. These titles act as unique keys that make the collection of pages browsable as a unit. This option allows you to choose which topic to create or add your page to.
  • Page Title: Each page is identified by a unique title. This title should help users find the content of your page. This option allows you to choose this title.
  • Page Number: Optionally, a page number can be manually defined for the new page. If you do not, the system will automatically generate the next available number for your page.
Single-Page Syntax
Some catagories of pages are added without using a topic title. If you would like to add one of these single page catagories you may use the following syntax.
 docs.add [Node|Concept|Book] to Project: Docs Page Name
 docs.add Node to Superalgos: Task
 docs.add Concept to Superalgos: References
 docs.add Book to Superalgos: User Manual
Page-Collection Syntax
The other page catagories use a topic title to group pages together. You may add one of these pages using this syntax.
 docs.add [Topic|Tutorial|Review] to Project: Docs [Topic|Tutorial|Review] Name->Docs Page Name->Docs Page Number
 docs.add Topic to Superalgos: Docs Styles->Docs Text Style->1
 docs.add Tutorial to Superalgos: How to Build Indicators->Intro->1
 docs.add Review to Project: Superalgos Project Review->Awesome!->2
Docs Goto Command
Docs Delete Command