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Exchange Raw Data - Research Your Exchange

Summary: Before trying to debug this Sensor Bot, you need to do some research about your favorite Exchange.
This is what I would do and in this order:
1. Ask Developers
Ask at the Develop Telegram Group if anyone already tried to connect to your favorite exchange. Maybe someone already tried and can save you time.
2. Check the Untested
There is a Crypto Exchanges node called Untested at the Crypto Ecosystem which has many exchanges waiting for someone to test them. If your exchange is at that list, it is a good sign, since at least is has the features needed, like for example providing historical data in the form of OHLCVs. Believe it or not, some exchanges do not provide even this info.
Other reasons for not being there could be:
  • Not providing 1 minute candles (which is currently a requirement). Some exchanges starts at 5 minutes for instance)
  • Not providing a list of markets. This is required to let you later Install a Market.
3. Check CCXT Docs
Look for any information there related to your favorite exchange. You will probably need to understand also the different types of parameters you can send to CCXT in order to adapt its behaviour at the specific command of fetching OHLCVs objects.
4. Check your Exchange Docs
Look specifically for information related to retrieving historical data, how much data they provide, which are the limits on the amount of time you can request data, and things like this.
How to Test New Exchanges
Exchange Raw Data - Get VS Code