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How to Contribute a Trading System

Summary: To contribute a Trading System, you must provide the trading system file, a clean workspace, and proper documentation.
Foundations->Concept->Reusable Snippets->Contributions Reminder
Switch Branches and Update Before You Start
All contributions to the Docs and plugins must be submitted to the Develop branch. All contributions to the code base must be submitted to the Develop branch too. Make sure you update to the latest version on the new branch and that everything you are submitting works properly in that version.
Switch Branches
To switch to branches:
  • Go to the footer of this page (scroll down).
  • Then select Develop or Master under the Choose the Current Branch title.
  • Follow the instructions to close and restart the app.
Update to the Latest Version
  • Now close the app and restart.
Beyond the Basics Tutorial
Before you go any further, do the Beyond the Basics tutorial in the Getting Started Native Workspaces so that you learn the basics on how to deal with contributions from within the app. The tutorial will help you get your setup right so that contributions are seamless.
Trading System File
  • Prepare a clean and tidy Trading System. Organize and name strategies, situations, conditions, orders, etc. so that it's easier to read.
Workspace File
  • Install the Market and remove the unnecessary Data Tasks so that users know what indicators are required. Make sure you remove the unnecessary Data Storage nodes too.
  • Add a Workspace file as a workspace plugin in the appropriate folder.
  • Take the BB Top Bounce (BBTB) page as an example of the content you should provide as documentation for the trading system.
  • The name of the page you create must follow the following format...
 [Market] - Trading System Name
For example:
 BTC-USDT - BB Top Bounce (BBTB)
  • The above assumes that the Trading System is optimized for a specific Market. Even if that is not the case, specify the market the is installed in the Workspace file.
  • Create the page within the Community Trading Systems topic. You may edit the command below to fit your needs.
 docs.add Topic to Superalgos: Community Trading Systems->BTC-USDT - Strategy Name
Optional Content
Consider creating an interactive Tutorial that goes through the implementation of the Trading System and shows how it works in a simulation (backtest). This adds significant value and is certainly incentivized!
How to Contribute to Superalgos
How to Contribute Icons