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Troubleshooting — TOC
You just read page 10 in the topic.
1. How to Troubleshoot an Issue
3. How to Upgrade Your Existing Installation
4. Initial Setup - Node is not Recognized as an Internal or External Command
5. Initial Setup - Superalgos Failed to Connect Via Websockets
6. Perception Issues - My System Gets Slow
7. Perception Issues - There Are No Candles on The Charts
8. Perception Issues - Market Data or Indicators Seem to be Outdated
9. Perception Issues - Indicator Data Seems Wrong
10. Investigating Issues - I Think I Broke Something... How Do I Start Over?
11. Investigating Issues - On-Screen Errors and Warnings
12. Investigating Issues - Check for Errors at the Browser
13. Investigating Issues - Check the Integrity of Your Data
14. Debugging a Task