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Screen Capture and Sharing

Summary: Share you screen with friends and colleagues capturing still images or videos directly from within the frontend.
PNG Panorama Capture
  • Put the charts on the datetime you wish to start the panorama (the chronological start date). Adjust the rate scale in a manner that shows whatever you wish to capture along the intended date range you wish to capture.
  • Hit Ctrl + F7 to start the capture.
  • Hit the right arrow key to pan the chart up to the end datetime.
  • Hit Ctrl + F7 again. A PNG file should download immediately...
PNG screen capture
  • Hit Ctrl + F8 to capture a static PNG image.
GIF Video Capture
  • Hit Ctrl + F9 to start capturing a GIF video, and hit the same key combination again to end the capture. Once the capture ends, it takes some time to process the capture and generate the final file.
WEBM Video Capture
  • Hit Ctrl + F10 to start capturing a WEBM video, and hit the same key combination again to end the capture. WEBM videos are processed instantly.

Productivity Tools — TOC

You just read page 4 in the topic.

1. Backups

2. Clones


4. Screen Capture and Sharing