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Time Machines and Timeline Charts

Summary: Time machines and timeline charts are the devices that render graphical information on the Viewport.
Time Machine
Foundations->Node->Time Machine->Definition
A time machine synchronizes multiple timeline charts over the same timeline. Timeline charts within a time machine may have different rate scales or time frame scales, but their time scale will always match.
Foundations->Node->Time Machine->Content
Think of a time machine as an aide that helps you keep any number of pieces of information synchronized on the same time scale. Every data structure that you set up within the same time machine, will always be synchronized in time. Put in other words, the open and closing datetime of each dataset will always be aligned on the vertical axis.
On the other hand, when you arrange charts on different time machines, they are completely independent of one another.
Foundations->Concept->Reusable Snippets->Note for Hierarchy Tables
Timeline Chart
Foundations->Node->Timeline Chart->Definition
The timeline chart represents a chart within a time machine, which may have independent rate and time frame scales, as well as particular layers.
Foundations->Node->Timeline Chart->Content
In other words, a timeline chart—often referred simply as chart—is a set of information to be displayed over a timeline. The information may include candles—the main and foremost resource—as well as any other indicator, study or—in general—data products that may be available.
You may add as many charts as you wish. Charts within the same time machine are synchronized in the y-axis, that is, in the datetime dimension. Charts in different time machines are independent of each other concerning the datetime. In either case, you may also add rate scales and time frame scales at the timeline charts level.
The information that each timeline chart makes available on the screen is given by the layers set up in the corresponding layers manager.
Charting Space Hierarchy