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Trading Session Parameters

Summary: Parameters control the behavior of trading sessions and improve the quality of simulations.
Foundations->Node->Trading Parameters->Definition
Parameters are properties of trading sessions, defined by users, to determine their behavior and improve the quality of simulations.
Foundations->Node->Trading Parameters->Content
The behavior of parameters may vary depending on the type of session.
Each testing session has its own set of parameters. This allows you to configure different trading sessions with different parameters, and go back and forth between them as required. For instance, you may have different backtesting sessions with different date ranges, different exchange fees or different slippage settings to account for different possible scenarios.
Foundations->Concept->Reusable Snippets->Note for Hierarchy Tables
Session Base Asset
Foundations->Node->Session Base Asset->Definition
The base asset is the asset whose price is determined by the market. It is usually the first asset in the pair, as listed by the exchange.
Foundations->Node->Session Base Asset->Content
Among other things, the parameter allows defining an initial balance of the corresponding asset, which may be used for trading with the corresponding trading system and trading session. Please see the configuration.
Session Quoted Asset
Foundations->Node->Session Quoted Asset->Definition
The quoted asset is the asset on which the price of the base asset is denominated in the market. It is usually the second asset in the pair, as listed by the exchange.
Foundations->Node->Session Quoted Asset->Content
The parameter allows defining an initial balance for the corresponding asset, which may be used for trading with the corresponding trading system and trading session.
Time Range
Foundations->Node->Time Range->Definition
The time range parameter determines the period of time on which the trading session is run.
Foundations->Node->Time Range->Content
The parameter offers precise control over the duration, starting and ending points of the session. Several options are available, and there are differences in how backtesting and the rest of the types of trading sessions function in this regard.
Time Frame
Foundations->Node->Time Frame->Definition
The time frame determines the collection of candles to be analyzed during a backtesting session, and the frequency with which the trading bot runs on paper trading, forward testing, and live trading sessions.
Foundations->Node->Time Frame->Content
In Live Sessions
In the context of live sessions, that is, paper trading, forward testing, and live trading, you may want to run the session on the 01-min time frame so that the trading bot reacts fast when the price tags the take profit or stop loss targets.
If for whatever reason you don't need to minimize the potential for slippage when hitting stop or take profit targets, you may choose whatever time frame you like, taking into account the explanations below.
In Backtesting Sessions
In the context of backtesting sessions, what time frame you decide to run the session depends on the trading system being tested. If the trading system makes decisions based on the 1-hour candle and above, then 01-hs may be the best choice. However, if decisions are influenced by sub-hour candles then you should match the time frame accordingly.
In other words, in backtesting sessions, you should match the time frame to the smallest period on which the trading system makes decisions.
Remember what was said about stop loss and take profit orders earlier: they do not exist in Superalgos. When a target is hit, orders are placed in the following Cycle, which happens to be on the next candle!
Let's take a minute to reflect on the implications of the above! If targets are hit on one candle and orders are placed on the next candle, there is the potential for huge Slippage if the session is run on higher time frames! This is the cost in precision mentioned earlier.
The above explanation seems to point in the following direction: if you want backtesting simulations to be comparable to live sessions run on the 01-min time frame, then you should run the backtesting session on the 01-min time frame as well. There is, however, a workaround.
You may use the Simulated Exchange Events structure of nodes to arbitrarily define the exit rate of the position.
For example, you may use the following formula in the Simulated Actual Rate node as well as in the Target Rate of the Close Stage:

function targetRate() {
    switch (tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.position.exitType.value) {
        case 'No Exit': {
            return tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.tradingEpisode.candle.close.value
        case 'Take Profit': {
            return tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.position.takeProfit.finalValue.value
        case 'Stop Loss': {
            return tradingEngine.tradingCurrent.position.stopLoss.finalValue.value
The formula sets the Simulated Actual Rate to be the last known takeProfit rate if the exit was triggered by hitting of the Managed Take Profit, or the last known stopLoss in case it was the Managed Stop Loss target.
Why the Time Frame Matters
Running trading sessions of any given trading system on different time frames may produce different results. This is because the behavior of a trading session may vary depending on how well the time frame matches the logic of the strategy.
The trading bot evaluates closed candles only. At any given point in time, the current candle in each time frame is the candle that closed last.
For example, let's say it's 11 hours, 39 minutes and 30 seconds of June 11th, 2020. This is how the system determines which is the current candle:
  • 1-minute candle: it is the one that closed at 11:38:59.999.
  • 5-minute candle: it is the one that closed at 11:34:59.999.
  • 30-minute candle: it is the one that closed at 11:29:59.999.
  • 1-hour candle: it is the one that closed at 10:59:59.999.
  • 2-hour candle: it is the one that closed at 09:59:59.999.
  • 6-hour candle: it is the one that closed at 05:59:59.999.
  • 24-hour candle: it is the one that closed at 23:59:59.999 of June 10th!
Let's say the trading system implements conditions that evaluate 30-minute and 1-hour candles.
If a session is run at the 30-minutes time frame, all 30-minutes candles are evaluated. Also, all 1-hour candles are evaluated twice.
However, if the session is run at the 1-hour time frame, only one out of two 30-minute candles are evaluated.
And if the session is run at the 2-hour time frame, only one out of four 30-minute candles and one out of two 1-hour candles are evaluated.
This means that running the session (for this particular trading system) at the 30-minute time frame has higher probabilities of conditions evaluating 30-minute candles to be true during the session.
In other words, when running the session on time frames higher than the time frame on which decisions are made, chances are the bot will eventually skip candles on which conditions would have evaluated true, potentially skipping trading opportunities.
The above is true for all types of trading sessions.
The slippage is an assumption on the difference between the simulated rate and the actual fill rate of a market order, most relevant in the context of backtesting and paper-trading sessions. The parameter is a tool to make simulations more realistic.
In the context of forward testing and live trading sessions, slippage does not affect the actual transactions. However, the parameter is taken into account when creating the live trading simulation until the actual order fill values are obtained from the exchange.
Fee Structure
Foundations->Node->Fee Structure->Definition
The fee structure is a parameter fundamental to the calculation of fees, both in testing and live trading sessions.
Foundations->Node->Fee Structure->Content
Exchange fees are a crucial part of trading. A strategy may work like a charm when you leave fees out of the equation but would lead you to bankruptcy in a live trading situation.
Exchanges don't usually report the amount charged in fees on each transaction, thus, the system calculates fees and subtract them from balances. Learn more about the handling of fees.
Snapshots are CSV files output by the trading bot listing every trade in a backtesting session. The snapshots parameter determines whether snapshots shall be produced, and how.
Learn more about snapshots and check the configuration file to control if and how snapshots are produced.
During a trading session, the backend communicates with the frontend via heartbeats to inform the frontend about the status of the session. The parameter controls what information is made available to the user through the frontend.
This parameter affects how you see the progress of the trading session below the trading bot instance node on the design space.
User Defined Parameters
Foundations->Node->User Defined Parameters->Definition
Users may define parameters to be used within the trading system during the trading session.
Foundations->Node->User Defined Parameters->Content
Parameters defined in the configuration file of these node become available to trading systems using the following path: sessionParameters.userDefinedParameters.config.parameterName
These parameters may be useful, for example, when you wish to use a constant multiple times across several nodes in the definition of a strategy. Instead of feeding a constant value to all formulas involved, you may feed the parameter instead. This gives you the added benefit of being able to change the value of such a constant in a single point.
Trading Session References
Data Storage Section