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The Governance Project

Summary: The Governance Project is designed as a flexible system that allows the Community to dynamically direct influence in arbitrary directions. It allows governance to evolve with the project. It also encourages permissionless innovation, as Contributors may propose new areas of development and rally the Community to incentivize expansion along new lines.
I->Governance->Topic->Introduction to Governance->Governance of the Superalgos Project is distributed among all members of the Superalgos Community willing to participate. You may engage in multiple manners, help drive development in the desired directions, and contribute to nurturing a healthy community.

Chapter I - Introduction to Governance

Governance of the Superalgos Project is distributed among all members of the Superalgos Community willing to participate. You may engage in multiple manners, help drive development in the desired directions, and contribute to nurturing a healthy community.

Table of Contents

1. Governance Overview

2. Participating in Governance

3. Governance Programs

II->Governance->Topic->Governance Definitions->For Contributors to participate in governance, the project must be thoroughly defined, as it is these definitions that may accept votes and claims from Contributors.

Chapter II - Governance Definitions

For Contributors to participate in governance, the project must be thoroughly defined, as it is these definitions that may accept votes and claims from Contributors.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Governance Definitions

2. Pools Hierarchy

3. Positions Hierarchy

4. Features Hierarchy

5. Assets Hierarchy

III->Governance->Topic->User Profile->The first step to get ready to participate in governance is to link your User Profile to a Superalgos SA Token address so that your profile may acquire the Token Power conferred by your token holdings.
IV->Governance->Topic->Governance Flow->The Superalgos Governance Project implements a meritocratic system, by which the more you contribute, the more you are entitled to influence the direction of development.

Chapter IV - Governance Flow

The Superalgos Governance Project implements a meritocratic system, by which the more you contribute, the more you are entitled to influence the direction of development.

Table of Contents

1. The Superalgos Meritocracy

2. Token Rewards and Weight Power Flow

3. How Claims are Resolved

V->Governance->Topic->Governance Workspaces->The Governance Project features multiple Project Definition Hierarchies spread across multiple Plugin Workspaces — one Workspace per Project — to facilitate the granular management of definitions by independent teams of maintainers. These are the Governance Workspaces.

Chapter V - Governance Workspaces

The Governance Project features multiple Project Definition Hierarchies spread across multiple Plugin Workspaces — one Workspace per Project — to facilitate the granular management of definitions by independent teams of maintainers. These are the Governance Workspaces.

Table of Contents

1. Governance Workspaces

2. Token Distribution Superalgos Governance Workspace

3. Other Governance Workspaces

VI->Governance->Topic->Governance How To->A collection of tips and tricks that will make your life easier while participating in governance.

Chapter VI - Governance How To

A collection of tips and tricks that will make your life easier while participating in governance.

Table of Contents

1. Load a User Profile