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Summary: The token distribution is based on claims made by contributors that they have done something for the project. Anyone can make a claim, but without votes from the community, that claim will not be rewarded with tokens.
Claim Explained
Assets, Features, Positions, etc. defines rewards offered to contributors by the community. Contributors later needs to make claims to get those rewards, and it is the same community the one who desides which claims to support with their votes.
How does this work?
  • 5. Claims Votes: The community vote on claims that believe are true.
  • 6. Token Awarded: Based on all claims towards each Token Rewards, Token Awarded is calculated for each Claim.
  • 7. Token Distribution: The distribution is made to users based on the Tokens Awarded to each of their claims.
Calculation Code
We will use the concept of Vote Ratio for the situation in which the total votes in claims exceeds the
amount of votes for wigthing. When this happen the Votes Ratio will be used to reduce the amount of 
tokens awarded proportionally to how much was exceeded.
let votesRatio = node.payload.referenceParent.payload.votingProgram.votes / node.payload.referenceParent.payload.claimsVotes
if (votesRatio > 1) { votesRatio = 1 }
    Share Count means the amount to claims pointing to the same potential tokens reward.
let shareCount = node.payload.referenceParent.payload.claimsCount
let sharePercentage = node.payload.votingProgram.votes * 100 / node.payload.referenceParent.payload.claimsVotes
let awarded = node.payload.votingProgram.votes / node.payload.referenceParent.payload.votingProgram.votes * node.payload.referenceParent.payload.tokens * votesRatio
let awardedPercentage = node.payload.votingProgram.votes / node.payload.referenceParent.payload.votingProgram.votes * 100 * votesRatio