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Feature Contribution Claim
Use este nodo para referenciar un nodo de Feature (Función) en una jerarquía de funciones para establecer una Feature Contribution Claim( Solicitud de Contrución de Función). Esta solicitud significa que declara que ha trabajado en una función, ya sea creándola o mejorándola, y que espera ser recompensado consecuentemente!
Bir Özellik Katkı Talebi oluşturmak için Özellikler (Features) hiyerarşisinden birindeki bir Özellik (Feature) düğümüne başvurmak için bu düğümü kullanın. Bu iddia, o Özellik üzerinde çalıştığınızı, onu yarattığınızı veya geliştirdiğinizi ve buna göre ödüllendirilmeyi beklediğinizi beyan ettiğiniz anlamına gelir!
Governance->Concept->Reusable Governance Snippets->Claims Content
Important: Make sure you're driving enough Claim Power to the node so that you may get the reward you deserve! And remember to ask the people who know your work to vouch for your claims with their Claim Votes. That is how your contribution gets validated and how you get the associated rewards.
Important: Убедитесь, что вы передаете узлу достаточно Claim Power, чтобы получить заслуженную награду! И не забудьте попросить людей, знакомых с вашей работой, поручиться за ваши претензии, отдав за них свой голос Claim Votes. Вот как подтверждается ваш вклад и как вы получаете соответствующие награды.
Important: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie genug Claim Power zur Node bringen, damit Sie die verdiente Belohnung erhalten! Und vergessen Sie nicht, die Personen, die Ihre Arbeit kennen, zu bitten, mit ihren Stimmen für Ihre Ansprüche zu bürgen. Auf diese Weise wird Ihr Beitrag (contribution) validiert und Sie erhalten die entsprechenden Belohnungen.
Important: Asegúrate de conducir lo suficiente de Claim Power al nodo para que pueda obtener la recompensa que se merece! Y recuerde pedir a las personas que conocen su trabajo que respondan por sus declaraciones con sus Claim Votes. Así es como se valida su contribución y cómo obtiene las recompensas asociadas.
Important: Hak ettiğiniz ödülü alabilmeniz için düğüme yeterince Talep Gücü (Claim Power) yüklediğinizden emin olun! Ve işinizi bilen insanlardan Talep Oylarıyla (Claim Votes) iddialarınız için kefil olmalarını istemeyi unutmayın. Katkınız bu şekilde onaylanır ve ilgili ödülleri bu şekilde alırsınız.
Note: Learn more about How Claims are Resolved!
Note: Узнайте больше о том, как разрешаются претензии How Claims are Resolved!
Note: Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Forderungen geklärt werden
Note: Más información sobre cómo las declaraciones se resuelven (HowClaims are Resolved)!
Note: Taleplerin Nasıl Çözüldüğü hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin!
How to Claim a Share of a Rewards Pool
If you want to claim a specific percentage share of a Rewards Pool, open the configuration of your Contribution Claim Node and define the percentage to claim using the
parameter: { "claimedShare": 25 }
In this example, you would be claiming 25% of the referenced Rewards Pool. The Claim Power available at the Contribution Claim Node will be capped at this level. To claim the share in full, the allocated Claim Power therefore needs to be equal or larger than the Rewards contained in the Rewards Pool, multiplied by the configured percentage.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Feature Contribution Claim configuration:
This is a list of properties featured by the Feature Contribution Claim configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Feature Contribution Claim Menu
The Feature Contribution Claim node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- actionFunction:
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Feature Contribution Claim already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Feature Contribution Claim Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Feature Contribution Claim with other nodes:
Compatible Types:
Feature Contribution Claim Referencing Rules
The following are the Node Referencing Rules that determine which nodes Feature Contribution Claim may establish a reference to:
Compatible Types: