Available translations

Onboarding Programs

These programs incentivize Superalgos users to take the first couple of steps to participate in governance and start giving back to the project. They make earning the first few tokens a breeze and allow everyone to become invested in the Superalgos SA Token! We are talking about the Airdrop Program and the Github Program.
What these two programs have in common is that they don't require Token Power to function. That is, even if you have zero Superalgos SA Tokens and zero Delegated Power, you may still participate to earn your first few tokens!
All you need to do to participate is spawn each of the program nodes and submit your User Profile!
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Onboarding Programs configuration:
This is a list of properties featured by the Onboarding Programs configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Onboarding Programs Menu
The Onboarding Programs node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Configure
  • actionFunction: uiObject.configEditor.activate
  • label: Configure
  • iconPathOn: configuration
  • iconPathOff: configuration
The Add Airdrop Program menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Add UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
  • disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
  • propertyToCheckFor: airdropProgram
  • label: Add Airdrop Program
  • relatedUiObjectProject: Governance
The Add Github Program menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Add UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
  • disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
  • propertyToCheckFor: githubProgram
  • label: Add Github Program
  • relatedUiObjectProject: Governance
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Delete UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • askConfirmation: true
  • confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
  • label: Delete
  • iconPathOn: delete-entity
  • iconPathOff: delete-entity
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
Onboarding Programs Children
The Onboarding Programs node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Airdrop Program node property features the following properties:
  • name: airdropProgram
  • type: node
  • autoAdd: false
The Github Program node property features the following properties:
  • name: githubProgram
  • type: node
  • autoAdd: false
Onboarding Programs Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Onboarding Programs with other nodes:
Compatible Types: