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Staking Program

El programa de staking program le permite a la comunidad de Superalgos compensar a los token holders por mantener sus tokens. Mantener los tokens puede ser una contribución muy valiosa que la comunidad puede decidir incentivar en cualquier momento.

Staking Program позволяет сообществу Superalgos компенсировать держателям токенов за хранение токенов. Хранение токенов может быть ценным вкладом, который сообщество может решить стимулировать в любой момент.

Stake programı, (Staking Program) Superalgos Topluluğunun jeton sahiplerine jeton tuttukları için ödül verilmesine izin verir. Token tutmak, Topluluğun herhangi bir noktada teşvik etmeye karar verebileceği değerli bir katkı olabilir.
This is a very simple program, as it doesn't involve smart contracts or transferring funds out of your Governance Address.
Este es un programa muy simple, ya que no implica contratos inteligentes o transferencia de fondos fuera de su Governance Address.
Это очень простая программа, поскольку в ней не используются смарт-контракты или перевод средств из вашего административного адреса Governance Address.
Bu çok basit bir programdır çünkü akıllı sözleşmeler veya Yönetim Adresinizden para transferleri gibi aktiviteleri içermez.
You may participate in the Staking Program with the Token Power that you haven’t used for other purposes. All you need to do is spawn the program from within the Financial Programs node and let some Token Power flow into it.
Puede participar en el Staking Program con el Token Power que no haya usado para otras propuestas. Todo lo que necesita hacer es deplegar el programa dentro del nodo de Financial Programs y permitir que algo de Token Power fluya en él.
Вы можете участвовать в программе Staking Program, используя Token Power, который вы не использовали для других целей. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это запустить программу из узла Financial Programs и позволить позволить некоторому количеству Token Power влиться в нее.
Başka amaçlarla kullanmadığınız Token Power ile Stake Programına katılabilirsiniz. Yapmanız gereken tek şey, programı Finansal Programlar (Financial Programs) düğümünden oluşturmak ve ona bir miktar Token Gücünün akmasına izin vermek.
You will get tokens from the Staking Rewards Pool defined in the Superalgos Pools hierarchy under the Governance Programs node, proportional to the Staking Power you direct to the program.
Recibirá tokens desde Staking Rewards Pool definido en la jerarquía de Superalgos Pools debajo del nodo de Governance Programs, proporcional al Staking Power que haya dirigido al programa.
Вы получите токены из пула вознаграждений за размещение ставок Staking Rewards Pool, определенного в иерархии пулов Superalgos в узле Governance Programs, пропорционально Staking Power, которые вы направляете программе.
Yönetişim Programları (Governance Programs) düğümü altındaki Superalgos Havuzları (Superalgos Pools) hiyerarşisinde tanımlanan Stake Ödül Havuzundan (Staking Rewards Pool), programa yönlendirdiğiniz Stake Gücü (Staking Power)ile orantılı olarak jetonlar alacaksınız.
The calculation of the Tokens Awarded for this program is similar to how Tokens Bonus is calculated on other programs: as a direct Rule of Three.
El cálculo de Tokens Awarded por este programa es similar a cómo el Tokens Bonus es calculado en otros programas: como una regla de tres directa.
Расчет токенов вознаграждения Tokens Awarded для этой программы аналогичен тому, как рассчитывается Tokens Bonus в других программах: как прямое правило трех Rule of Three.
Bu programda dağıtılacak Jetonların hesaplanması, Token Bonusunun (Token Bonus) diğer programlarda nasıl hesaplandığına benzer:
Total Staking Power [*] -> 100% of the pool
Your Staking Power [**] -> X% of the pool -> Tokens Awarded
Tokens Awarded = Your Staking Power * 100% / Total Staking Power
[*] The power driven to the Staking Program by all User Profiles combined.
[**] The power you drive to the Staking Program.
Note: Notice that staking may not be the best way to accumulate more tokens. Some other programs, like the Community Building Programs, may offer a better financial opportunity through their Tokens Bonus! You may want to check how big are the Bonus Pool incentives in other programs and compare those with the Staking Rewards Pool!
Note: Tenga en cuenta que stakingpuede no ser la mejor manera de acumular más tokens. Algunos otros programas, como los Community Building Programs, puede ofrecer una mejor oportunidad financiera a través de su Tokens Bonus! Es posible que desee comprobar cuán grandes son las Bonus Pool que incentiva en otros programas and compare esos con la Staking Rewards Pool!
Note: Обратите внимание, что ставки могут быть не лучшим способом накопить больше токенов. Некоторые другие программы, такие как Community Building Programs, могут предложить лучшие финансовые возможности за счет бонуса Tokens Bonus! Вы можете проверить, насколько велики поощрения бонуса Bonus Pool в других программах, и сравнить их с пулом Staking Rewards Pool!
Note: Stake etmenin daha fazla token biriktirmenin en iyi yolu olmayabileceğine dikkat edin. Topluluk Oluşturma Programları (Community Building Programs) gibi bazı diğer programlar, Jeton Bonusları (Tokens Bonus) aracılığıyla daha iyi bir finansal fırsat sunabilir! Diğer programlardaki Bonus Havuzu (Bonus Pool) teşviklerinin ne kadar büyük olduğunu kontrol etmek ve bunları Stake Ödül Havuzu (Staking Rewards Pool) ile karşılaştırmak isteyebilirsiniz!
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Staking Program configuration:
This is a list of properties featured by the Staking Program configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Staking Program Menu
The Staking Program node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- actionFunction:
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
The Add Tokens Awarded menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
- propertyToCheckFor:
- actionFunction:
- label: Add Tokens Awarded
- relatedUiObject: Tokens Awarded
- relatedUiObjectProject: Governance
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Staking Program already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Staking Program Children
The Staking Program node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Tokens Awarded node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Tokens Awarded
- autoAdd: true
Staking Program Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Staking Program with other nodes:
Compatible Types: