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User Profile Vote
Use this node to establish a reference with a colleague's User Profile. With this vote, you are passing on Voting Power directly into your colleague's Voting Program, effectively delegating your Voting Power.
Используйте этот узел, чтобы установить ссылку на профиль пользователя User Profile коллеги. Этим голосованием вы передаете право голоса Voting Power непосредственно программе голосования Voting Program вашего коллеги, эффективно делегируя свое право голоса Voting Power.
Bir iş arkadaşınızın Kullanıcı Profili ( User Profile ) ile referans oluşturmak için bu düğümü kullanın. Bu oylama ile Oylama Gücünü ( Voting Power ) doğrudan iş arkadaşınızın Oylama Programına ( Voting Program ) aktararak Oylama Gücünüzü ( Voting Power ) etkin bir şekilde devretmiş olursunuz.
Tip: You may delegate your Voting Power to empower voices you trust! Trusted members of the Community may make good use of your Voting Power, particularly if you feel you don't have the time or expertise to be on top of certain aspects of governance.
Tip: Вы можете делегировать свое право голоса Voting Power, чтобы усилить голоса, которым вы доверяете! Доверенные члены сообщества могут эффективно использовать ваш Voting Power, особенно если вы чувствуете, что у вас нет времени или опыта, чтобы быть в курсе определенных аспектов управления.
Tip: Güvendiğiniz kişileri yetkilendirmek için Oylama Gücünüzü ( Voting Power ) devredebilirsiniz! Topluluğun ( Community ) güvendiğiniz üyeleri, özellikle yönetimin belirli yönleriyle ilgilenmek için zamanınız veya uzmanlığınız olmadığını düşünüyorsanız, Oylama Gücünüzü ( Voting Power ) iyi bir şekilde kullanabilir.
Governance->Concept->Liquid Democracy->Content
The form of Liquid Democracy in Superalgos utilizes elements of direct and representative democracy. Users have the right to vote directly, like in a direct democracy, but also have the option to delegate their Voting Power for someone else to vote on their behalf, like in a representative democracy.
Форма Liquid Democracy в Superalgos использует элементы прямой и представительной демократии. Пользователи имеют право голосовать напрямую, как в прямой демократии, но также имеют возможность делегировать свой Voting Power кому-то другому, чтобы голосовать от их имени, как в представительной демократии.
The same Voting Power may be delegated multiple times with the caveat in the below warning box. The delegation may be withdrawn at any point as well, simply by removing the User Profile Vote node or its reference.
Одно и то же право голоса Voting Power может быть делегировано несколько раз с оговоркой в поле предупреждения ниже. Делегирование также может быть отозвано в любой момент, просто удалив узел User Profile Vote или его ссылку.
Aynı Oylama Gücü ( Voting Power ), aşağıdaki uyarı kutusundaki uyarı ile birden fazla kez devredilebilir. Yetkilendirme, Kullanıcı Profili Oy düğümü veya referansı kaldırılarak herhangi bir noktada geri çekilebilir.
Warning: Only 10% of the Voting Power you drive into a User Profile Vote node reaches the recipient User Profile. This is to disincentivize fraudulent behaviors that may arise involving circular declarations, fake profiles, or trading of votes.
Warning: Только 10% Voting Power, который вы вкладываете в узел User Profile Vote, достигает профиля пользователя получателя. Это сделано для предотвращения мошенничества, которое может возникнуть, связанного с циркулярными декларациями, поддельными профилями или торговлей голосами.
Warning: Bir Kullanıcı Profili ( User Profile ) Oy düğümüne yönlendirdiğiniz Oylama Gücünün ( Voting Power ) sadece %10'u alıcı Kullanıcı Profiline ( User Profile ) ulaşır. Bu, döngüsel beyanlar, sahte profiller veya oy ticareti gibi ortaya çıkabilecek hileli davranışları caydırmak içindir.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for User Profile Vote configuration:
This is a list of properties featured by the User Profile Vote configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
User Profile Vote Menu
The User Profile Vote node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- actionFunction:
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that User Profile Vote already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
User Profile Vote Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of User Profile Vote with other nodes:
Compatible Types:
User Profile Vote Referencing Rules
The following are the Node Referencing Rules that determine which nodes User Profile Vote may establish a reference to:
Compatible Types: