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User Profile

The User Profile is the hierarchy that allows you to authenticate with other parties and define how you intend to use the Token Power conferred by your holdings of Superalgos SA Tokens. These definitions are spread across several governance programs, and your Token Power cascades down to these programs from the head of the hierarchy. Each program is designed to get Contributors involved in different governance needs.

Token Power fmínimos en cascada desde el nodo Perfil de usuario hasta el nodo Token Power Switch, a su descendencia, y así sucesivamente, siguiendo la estructura de la jerarquía. Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... The User Profile is the hierarchy that allows you to authenticate with other parties and define how you intend to use the Token Power conferred by your holdings of Superalgos SA Tokens. These definitions are spread across several governance programs, and your Token Power cascades down to these programs from the head of the hierarchy. Each program is designed to get Contributors involved in different governance needs. Please update this translation.

Token Power перетекает каскадно от узла User Profile к узлу Token Power Switch, к его потомкам и т. д., согласно структуре иерархии. Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... The User Profile is the hierarchy that allows you to authenticate with other parties and define how you intend to use the Token Power conferred by your holdings of Superalgos SA Tokens. These definitions are spread across several governance programs, and your Token Power cascades down to these programs from the head of the hierarchy. Each program is designed to get Contributors involved in different governance needs. Please update this translation.

Token Gücü (Token Power), hiyerarşi yapısını izleyerek Kullanıcı Profili (User Profile) düğümünden Token Güç Anahtarı (Token Power Switch) düğümüne,sonra onun alt düğümlerine doğru kademeli olarak akar. Warning!!! This translation is outdated. English version is... The User Profile is the hierarchy that allows you to authenticate with other parties and define how you intend to use the Token Power conferred by your holdings of Superalgos SA Tokens. These definitions are spread across several governance programs, and your Token Power cascades down to these programs from the head of the hierarchy. Each program is designed to get Contributors involved in different governance needs. Please update this translation.
As explained in the Building Your Profile page, your User Profile is paired with your Governance Address. The tokens you hold in this address confer you Token Power that you may use to influence how Superalgos distributes the tokens allocated to each release.
Como se explica en la página Building Your Profile, su perfil de usuario está emparejado con su Governance Address. Los tokens que tiene en esta dirección le confieren Token Power que puede utilizar para influir en la forma en que Superalgos distribuye los tokens asignados a cada lanzamiento.
Как объясняется на странице Building Your Profile, ваш профиль пользователя User Profile связан с вашим административным адресом Governance Address. Токены, которые вы держите в этом адресе, наделяют вас полномочиями Token Power, которую вы можете использовать, чтобы влиять на то, как Superalgos распределяет токены, выделенные для каждого выпуска.
Profilinizi Oluşturma sayfasında (Building Your Profile) açıklandığı gibi, Kullanıcı Profiliniz Yönetişim Adresinizle (Governance Address) eşleştirilir. Bu adreste tuttuğunuz tokenlar size, Superalgos'un her bir sürümüne tahsis edilen tokenlerin nasıl dağıtılacağını etkilemek için kullanabileceğiniz Token Gücü verir.
After building your profile, you should see your Token Power flowing to the Token Power Switch node, the first offspring of the head of the hierarchy. This principle is maintained throughout the hierarchy: Token Power flows down to offspring nodes, through each section of the hierarchy.
Después de crear su perfil, debería ver su Token Powerfluyendo al nodo de Token Power Switch, tel primer vástago del jefe de la jerarquía. Este principio se mantiene en toda la jerarquía:Token Power fluye hacia los nodos descendientes, a través de cada sección de la jerarquía.
После создания профиля вы должны увидеть, как ваш Token Power перетекает к узлу Token Power Switch, первому потомку главы иерархии. Этот принцип поддерживается во всей иерархии: Token Power передается дочерним узлам через каждый раздел иерархии.
Profilinizi oluşturduktan sonra, Token Gücünüzün hiyerarşinin ilk başladığı düğüm olan Token Power Switch düğümüne aktığını görmelisiniz. Bu ilke, hiyerarşi boyunca korunur: Simge Gücü, hiyerarşinin her bölümü aracılığıyla alt düğümlere akar.
Token Power Flows
Token Power Akışı
Governance->Concept->Token Power Flows->Definition
Summary: Token Power flows cascading down from the User Profile node to the Token Power Switch node, to its offspring, and so on, following the structure of the hierarchy.
Summary: Token Power передается каскадно от узла User Profile к узлу Token Power Switch, к его потомкам и т. д., следуя структуре иерархии.
Summary: Token Gücü, hiyerarşi yapısını izleyerek Kullanıcı Profili (User Profile) düğümünden Token Güç Anahtarı (Token Power Switch) düğümüne, oradan da onun alt düğümlerine kademeli olarak akar.
Governance->Concept->Token Power Flows->Content
How Token Power flows depends on the following:
Передача Token Power зависит от следующего:
Token Gücünün nasıl aktığı aşağıdakilere bağlıdır:
- By default, Token Power flows in equal proportion to each direct offspring node.
- По умолчанию Power пердается в равной пропорции к каждому прямому дочернему узлу.
- Varsayılan olarak, Token Gücü, her alt düğüme doğru eşit oranda akar.
- You may override the defaults by explicitly defining the percentage of the Token Power you wish to allocate to each offspring. If you define less than a total of 100%, then the remaining Token Power is distributed evenly across the offspring for which there is no definition.
- Вы можете изменить значения по умолчанию, явно указав процент Token Power, который вы хотите выделить каждому потомству. Если вы определяете менее 100%, оставшаяся Token Power распределяется равномерно между потомками, для которых нет определения.
- Her bir alt düğüme tahsis etmek istediğiniz Token Gücünün yüzdesini açıkça tanımlayarak bu oranı değiştirebilir ve geçersiz kılabilirsiniz. Toplamda %100'den az tanımlarsanız, kalan Token Gücü, oranı belirlenmemiş düğümler arasında eşit olarak dağıtılır.
This is the format of the configuration you may use on each of the programs:
Это формат конфигурации, которую вы можете использовать в каждой из программ:
Bu, programların her birinde kullanabileceğiniz yapılandırma biçimidir:
"percentage": 50
For example, let's say you have 1,000 Token Power flowing into your Token Power Switch node. Let's say you spawn the Onboarding Programs, Community Building Programs, Votes And Claims Programs, and Financial Programs nodes.
Например, предположим, что у вас есть 1000 Token Power, входящий в ваш узел Token Power Switch. Допустим, вы создали узлы Onboarding Programs, Community Building Programs, Votes And Claims Programs, и Financial Programs.
Örneğin, Token Güç Anahtarı (Token Power Switch) düğümünüze akan 1.000 Simge Gücünüz olduğunu varsayalım. İlk Katılım Programlarını (Onboarding Programs), Topluluk Oluşturma Programlarını (Community Building Programs), Oy ve Talep Programlarını (Votes And Claims Programs) ve Mali Programlar (Financial Programs) düğümlerini oluşturduğunuzu varsayalım.
As soon as you deploy these four offspring of the Token Power Switch node, you will see that each of the nodes gets 25% of the Token Power by default.
Как только вы развернете эти четыре потомка узла Token Power Switch, вы увидите, что каждый из узлов по умолчанию получает 25% Token Power.
Token Güç Anahtarı düğümünün altına bu dört ürününü yerleştirdiğiniz anda, düğümlerin her birinin varsayılan olarak Simge Gücünün %25'ini aldığını göreceksiniz.
But you wish to limit the Token Power flowing into the Onboarding Programs to zero, as those programs do not require Token Power. To do that, you set up the following in the Onboarding Programs node configuration:
Но вы если вы хотите ограничить Token Power, поступающий в Onboarding Programs до нуля, поскольку эти программы не требуют Token Power. Для этого в конфигурации узла Onboarding Programs необходимо добавить следующее:
Ancak, İlk Katılım Programlarına akan Token Gücünü, bu program Simge Gücü gerektirmediğinden sıfırla sınırlamak istiyorsunuz. Bunu yapmak için, Onboarding Programs düğüm yapılandırmasını aşağıdaki gibi ayarlarsınız:
"percentage": 0
Once the configuration is in place, you will notice that the Onboarding Programs node shows 0% and 0 Token Power flowing into the node. You will also notice that the rest of the nodes are getting 33.33% of the Token Power each.
После этого вы заметите, что узел Onboarding Programs показывает, что в узел поступает 0% и 0 Token Power. Вы также заметите, что остальные узлы получают по 33,33% Token Power каждый.
Konfigürasyon yapıldığında, İlk katılım Programları düğümünün, düğüme akan %0 ile 0 Jeton Gücü gösterdiğini fark edeceksiniz. Ayrıca diğer düğümlerin her birinin Token Gücünün %33,33'ünü aldığını fark edeceksiniz.
Now let's say you wish to use only 10% of your Token Power in the Community Building Programs. So you set up the following config:
Теперь предположим, что вы хотите использовать только 10% своего Token Power в Community Building Programs. Итак, вы настроили следующую конфигурацию:
Şimdi, Topluluk Oluşturma Programlarında (Community Building Programs) Token Gücünüzün yalnızca %10'unu kullanmak istediğinizi varsayalım. Bunun için aşağıdaki yapılandırmayı ayarladınız:
"percentage": 10
As a result, 10% of the Token Power flows into the Community Building Programs, while the remaining nodes get 45% of the Token Power each.
В результате 10% Token Power поступает в программы Community Building Programs, в то время как остальные узлы получают по 45% Token Power каждый.
Bunun sonucunda Token Gücünün %10'u Topluluk Oluşturma Programlarına (Community Building Programs) akar, kalan diğer iki düğümden her biri Token Gücünün %45'ini alır.
Important: One more thing! When Token Power flows into a specific program, it turns into a specific form of power associated with the said program! For example, Token Power that flows into the Support Program turns into Support Power. In the Voting Program, it turns into Voting Power. Notice that this is just a change in the name, as all these forms of powers behave in the same manner throughout the User Profile hierarchy.
Important: Еще кое-что! Когда Token Power перетекает в конкретную программу, он превращается в определенную форму, связанную с указанной программой! Например, Token Power, который поступает в программу Support Program, превращается в силу поддержки. В программе Voting Program он превращается в силу голоса. Обратите внимание, что это просто изменение названия, поскольку все эти формы полномочий ведут себя одинаково во всей иерархии профилей пользователей.
Important: Bir şey daha! Token Gücü belirli bir programa aktığında, söz konusu programla ilişkili belirli bir güce dönüşür! Örneğin, Destek Programına (Support Program) akan Token Gücü, Destek Gücüne dönüşür. Oylama Programında (Voting Program) Oylama Gücüne dönüşür. Tüm bu yetki biçimleri Kullanıcı Profili hiyerarşisi boyunca aynı şekilde hareket ettiğinden, bunun sadece bir isim değişikliği olduğuna dikkat edin.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for User Profile configuration:
This is a list of properties featured by the User Profile configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
User Profile Menu
The User Profile node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
- action: Configure
- actionFunction:
- label: Configure
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
The Add Child menu item has the following properties:
- action: Open Menu
- label: Add Child
- iconPathOn: expand-structure-of-nodes
- iconPathOff: expand-structure-of-nodes
- menuItems: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Install as Plugin menu item has the following properties:
- action: Install as Plugin
- actionProject: Community-Plugins
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Install
- label: Install as Plugin
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
- actionFunction:
The Save Plugin menu item has the following properties:
- action: Save Plugin
- actionProject: Community-Plugins
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Save
- label: Save Plugin
- iconPathOn: configuration
- iconPathOff: configuration
- actionFunction:
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that User Profile already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
User Profile Children
The User Profile node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Token Power Switch node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Token Power Switch
- autoAdd: true
The Tokens Mined node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Tokens Mined
- autoAdd: true
The User Apps node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: User Apps
- project: User-Apps
- autoAdd: false
The User Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: User Bots
- autoAdd: false
The Social Personas node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Social Personas
- project: Social-Trading
- autoAdd: false
The P2p Network Nodes node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: P2P Network Nodes
- project: Network
- autoAdd: false
The Permissioned P2 P Networks node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Permissioned P2P Networks
- project: Network
- autoAdd: false
The User Storage node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: User Storage
- project: Open-Storage
- autoAdd: false
The Forecasts Providers node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: node
- childType: Forecasts Providers
- project: Governance
- autoAdd: false