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Governance Workspaces

Summary: The Governance Project features multiple Project Definition Hierarchies spread across multiple Plugin Workspaces — one Workspace per Project — to facilitate the granular management of definitions by independent teams of maintainers. These are the Governance Workspaces.
Main Governance Workspace
The Token Distribution Superalgos Governance Workspace is the main workspace. Load this workspace to start your interaction with governance. This is where you would usually build and set up your User Profile.
Naming Convention
All Governance Workspaces follow a similar naming structure, to make them easy to spot in the Workspaces Tab:
 Token Distribution XXX Project
Finding Your Way Around Governance Workspaces
Each of the Governance Workspaces features several Project Definition Hierarchies describing the Pools, Assets, Features, and Positions of the corresponding Project.
Governance->Concept->Reusable Governance Snippets->Deep in Governance
Superalgos Pools Hierarchy
Governance->Concept->Superalgos Pools->Definition
Summary: Superalgos Pools is the top-level hierarchy kickstarting the definition of the whole Superalgos Project. It features the definition of several Pool nodes describing the main areas of project development that the Community wishes to incentivize.
Governance->Concept->Superalgos Pools->Content
Because this is the highest level definition of how tokens will be distributed, the Superalgos Pools hierarchy is present in all Governance Workspaces.
Scope of Calculations
Governance->Concept->Reusable Governance Snippets->Computational Limitations
The governance system does all calculations dynamically, in real-time, with every change in the definitions, and computes all the hierarchies loaded in the Current Workspace.
Governance->Concept->Reusable Governance Snippets->Computational Limitations 2
If you cast votes or place claims in more than one Governance Workspace, you will not be able to see what some of your claims and votes are about — in particular, those that live on a workspace that is not the Current Workspace.
If you wish to have a clearer picture of all your votes and claims, you may want to set up a new workspace that includes all the hierarchies that you need to interact with. That way, you will be able to see all of your votes and claims at the same time. To do this, save a new workspace deriving from one of the Governance Workspaces and load the plugins you need.
Token Distribution Superalgos Governance Workspace