Available translations

The Delegation Program

Summary: Help your colleagues place their first few claims!
Governance->Node->Delegation Program->Definition
The Delegation Program allows you to delegate Token Power to empower other members of the Community, giving them a louder voice in governance. The Token Power you delegate may be used by the recipient in any Governance Program, with no restrictions.
Governance->Node->Delegation Program->Content
Governance->Concept->Reusable Governance Snippets->Featuring Tokens Bonus
When you delegate Voting Power through the Voting Program, the recipient may only use the delegated power within the Voting Program. Instead, the Delegation Program allows you to delegate Token Power, which may be used by the recipient in any program.
Delegate Power Switch
Governance->Node->Delegate Power Switch->Definition
Use this switch as an organizational device, and spawn User Delegate nodes.
Governance->Node->Delegate Power Switch->Content
You may use this switch for two different purposes:
  • As an organizational device: You may create arbitrary arrangements, spawning more switches and User Delegate nodes.
User Delegate
Governance->Node->User Delegate->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with a colleague's User Profile. With this reference, you are passing on Token Power directly into your colleague's profile, effectively delegating your Token Power. Your colleague may use the power in any of the Governance Programs.
Governance->Node->User Delegate->Content
The main use case for delegating Token Power is when mentors wish to help their mentees make their first few Contribution Claims.
Contributors need to drive Claim Power to their claims for them to be effective. However, when they are new to Superalgos, they may not have enough tokens to back their claims.
Mentors are happy to help their mentees get their first few tokens, and are rewarded for their work and generosity through the Mentorship Program.
The same Token Power may be delegated multiple times with the caveat in the below warning box. The delegation may be withdrawn at any point as well, simply by removing the User Delegate node or its reference.
The Staking Program