Available translations

The Voting Program

Summary: Help us decide how what areas of project development to incentivize, and help us validate Contribution Claims!
Governance->Node->Voting Program->Definition
The Voting Program is the heart and soul of governance, as it enables you to cast various types of votes. You may decide what to incentivize, weighing Pools, Assets, Features, and Positions. You may also evaluate and support Contribution Claims and transfer Voting Power to other users.
Governance->Node->Voting Program->Content
Governance->Concept->Reusable Governance Snippets->Featuring Tokens Bonus
The features in the Voting Program allow you to cast three different categories of votes:
There is a top-level Votes Switch node that allows spawning several other switches, each one associated to the different types of votes described above:
Votes Switch Node
Governance->Node->Votes Switch->Definition
The Votes Switch node channels Voting Power downwards in the hierarchy. It is a top-level switch used as an organizational device to spawn and arrange other types of switches.
Governance->Node->Votes Switch->Content
About Claim Votes
Governance->Concept->Claim Votes->Definition
Summary: In general terms, Claim Votes allow you to support the claims of other users. The term Claim Votes is a generalization referring to either or all of the existing types: Position Claim Vote, Feature Claim Vote, and Asset Claim Vote nodes.
Claim Votes Switch
Governance->Node->Claim Votes Switch->Definition
Use this switch to spawn different types of Claim Votes, and to reference Claims Folder types of nodes within the Claims Program section of the User Profile hierarchy to map large structures of claims.
Governance->Node->Claim Votes Switch->Content
You may use this switch for three different purposes:
  • As an organizational device: You may create arbitrary arrangements of votes, spawning more switches and votes.
  • As a data-structure mapper: Use the node to reference Claims Folder types of nodes to map entire structures of claims on other User Profile hierarchies.
The first two use cases are self-explanatory. Let's explore the third one in more detail.
Use a Claim Votes Switch node to establish a reference with a Claims Folder type of node — Position Claims Folder, Feature Claims Folder, or Asset Claims Folder — within the Claims Program section of your colleague's User Profile node. Then use the Install Missing Votes option on the menu of the Claim Votes Switch to map the entire Claims Folder!
Three Types of Claim Votes
Governance->Concept->Reusable Governance Snippets->Claim Votes Content
Negative Voting
If you believe a Claim has been given too much weight, you may use Claim Support Power also for negative voting. Power marked as negative will compensate the same amount of regular Claim Support Power allocated by other users. To vote negatively, change the configuration of your Claim Vote node like in this example:
 { "percentage": 25, "negative": true }
Asset Claim Vote
Governance->Node->Asset Claim Vote->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with an Asset Contribution Claim placed by your colleague in the Claims Program section of their User Profile. This vote means that you support your colleague's claim with the Claim Support Power you drive into the Claim Votes node!
Feature Claim Vote
Governance->Node->Feature Claim Vote->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with a Feature Contribution Claim placed by your colleague in the Claims Program section of their User Profile. This vote means that you support your colleague's claim with the Claim Support Power you drive into the Claim Votes node!
Position Claim Vote
Governance->Node->Position Claim Vote->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with a Position Contribution Claim placed by your colleague in the Claims Program section of their User Profile. This vote means that you support your colleague's claim with the Claim Support Power you drive into the Claim Votes node!
About Weight Votes
Governance->Concept->Weight Votes->Definition
Summary: Weight Votes are a type of vote within the Voting Program used to confer Weight to different types of nodes in the multiple Project Definition Hierarchies. The Weight that Asset, Feature, Position, and Pool nodes get from Weight Votes cast by the Community determines the Token Rewards available as incentives for those nodes. The term Weight Votes is a generalization describing any or all of the types of weight vote nodes, namely Pool Weight Vote, Position Weight Vote, Feature Weight Vote, and Asset Weight Vote.
Weight Votes Switch
Governance->Node->Weight Votes Switch->Definition
Use this switch to spawn different types of Weight Votes, and to reference Class types of nodes within any of the Project Definition Hierarchies to map large structures of definitions.
Governance->Node->Weight Votes Switch->Content
You may use this switch for three different purposes:
  • As an organizational device: You may create arbitrary arrangements of votes, spawning more switches and votes.
  • As a data-structure mapper: Use the node to reference Class types of nodes within Project Definition Hierarchies to map entire structures of definitions.
The first two use cases are self-explanatory. Let's explore the third one in more detail.
Use a Weight Votes Switch node to establish a reference with a Class type of node — Pool Class, Position Class, Feature Class, or Asset Class — within Project Definition Hierarchies. Then use the Install Missing Votes option on the menu of the Weight Votes Switch to map the entire Class section of the hierarchy!
Three Types of Weight Votes
Governance->Concept->Weight Votes->Content
Negative Voting
If you believe a node has been given too much weight, you may use Weight Power also for negative voting. Weight Power marked as negative will compensate the same amount of regular Weight Power allocated by other users. To vote negatively, change the configuration of your Weight Vote node like in this example:
 { "percentage": 25, "negative": true }
Asset Weight Vote
Governance->Node->Asset Weight Vote->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with an Asset node in an Assets hierarchy. With this vote, you are passing on Weight Power to the referenced node. That way, the node gets more of the Token Rewards available in the hierarchy. This is how you influence how different areas of the project are incentivized.
Feature Weight Vote
Governance->Node->Feature Weight Vote->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with a Feature node in a Features hierarchy. With this vote, you are passing on Weight Power to the referenced node. That way, the node gets more of the Token Rewards available in the hierarchy. This is how you influence how different areas of the project are incentivized.
Position Weight Vote
Governance->Node->Position Weight Vote->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with a Position node in a Positions hierarchy. With this vote, you are passing on Weight Power to the referenced node. That way, the node gets more of the Token Rewards available in the hierarchy. This is how you influence how different areas of the project are incentivized.
About User Profile Votes
Governance->Concept->Liquid Democracy->Definition
Summary: The form of Liquid Democracy in Superalgos utilizes elements of direct and representative democracy. Users have the right to vote directly, like in a direct democracy, but also have the option to delegate their Voting Power for someone else to vote on their behalf, like in a representative democracy.
User Profile Switch
Governance->Node->User Profile Votes Switch->Definition
Use this switch as an organizational device, and to spawn User Profile Vote nodes.
Governance->Node->User Profile Votes Switch->Content
You may use this switch for two different purposes:
  • As an organizational device: You may create arbitrary arrangements of votes, spawning more switches and votes.
User Profile Vote Node
Governance->Node->User Profile Vote->Definition
Use this node to establish a reference with a colleague's User Profile. With this vote, you are passing on Voting Power directly into your colleague's Voting Program, effectively delegating your Voting Power.
Governance->Node->User Profile Vote->Content
Governance->Concept->Liquid Democracy->Content
The form of Liquid Democracy in Superalgos utilizes elements of direct and representative democracy. Users have the right to vote directly, like in a direct democracy, but also have the option to delegate their Voting Power for someone else to vote on their behalf, like in a representative democracy.
The same Voting Power may be delegated multiple times with the caveat in the below warning box. The delegation may be withdrawn at any point as well, simply by removing the User Profile Vote node or its reference.
The Claims Program
Financial Programs Intro