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Social Bots
A Social Bots node is used to define the bots for each messaging application. These messaging bots are used to send announcements and receive commands used to interact with Superalgos.
Un nodo Social Bots se utiliza para definir los bots para cada aplicación de mensajería. Estos bots de mensajería se utilizan para enviar anuncios y recibir comandos que se utilizan para interactuar con Superalgos.
Узел Social Bots используется для определения ботов для каждого приложения обмена сообщениями. Эти боты для обмена сообщениями используются для отправки объявлений и получения команд, используемых для взаимодействия с Superalgos.
Her mesajlaşma uygulaması için botları tanımlamak üzere bir Sosyal Botlar düğümü kullanılır. Bu mesajlaşma botları, Superalgos ile etkileşim kurmak için kullanılan duyuruları göndermek ve komutları almak için kullanılır.
The Social Bots node contains children nodes for each messaging bot. These messaging bots are used to configure the third party applications used to send announcements and receive incoming commands.
Узел Social Bots содержит дочерние узлы для каждого бота обмена сообщениями. Эти боты для обмена сообщениями используются для настройки сторонних приложений, используемых для отправки объявлений и приема входящих команд.
Sosyal Botlar düğümü, her bir mesajlaşma botu için alt düğümler içerir. Bu mesajlaşma botları, duyuru göndermek ve gelen komutları almak için kullanılan üçüncü taraf uygulamalarını yapılandırmak için kullanılır.
Note: At present Superalgos only supports Telegram, Discord, and Slack messaging applications.
Note: В настоящее время Superalgos поддерживает только приложения для обмена сообщениями Telegram, Discord и Slack.
Note: Superalgos şu anda yalnızca Telegram, Discord ve Slack mesajlaşma uygulamalarını desteklemektedir.
Social Bots Menu
The Social Bots node has the following Node Menu items:
The Add Telegram Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Telegram Bot
- relatedUiObject: Telegram Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Social-Bots
The Add Discord Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Discord Bot
- relatedUiObject: Discord Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Social-Bots
The Add Slack Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Slack Bot
- relatedUiObject: Slack Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Social-Bots
The Add Twitter Bot menu item has the following properties:
- action: Add UI Object
- label: Add Twitter Bot
- relatedUiObject: Twitter Bot
- actionFunction:
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- relatedUiObjectProject: Social-Bots
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
- action: Delete UI Object
- actionProject: Visual-Scripting
- askConfirmation: true
- confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
- label: Delete
- iconPathOn: delete-entity
- iconPathOff: delete-entity
- actionFunction:
Tip: When a menu item is grayed out, it means that Social Bots already has the required child type that the menu item may add, and only that child is allowed for that case.
Social Bots Children
The Social Bots node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Telegram Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: Telegram Bot
- autoAdd: true
- project: Social-Bots
The Discord Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: Discord Bot
- autoAdd: true
- project: Social-Bots
The Slack Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: Slack Bot
- autoAdd: true
- project: Social-Bots
The Twitter Bots node property features the following properties:
- name:
- type: array
- childType: Twitter Bot
- autoAdd: true
- project: Social-Bots
Social Bots Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Social Bots with other nodes:
Compatible Types: