Available translations

Social Trading Bot

Social Trading Bots are a new kind of bot used within the Trading Signals process. A Social Trading Bot is the main interface between a signal provider and recipient.
A basic way to think about a Social Trading Bot is as a collection of signals, as well as all the information a recipient will need in order to subscribe and receive those signals.
Each Social Trading Bot defines the following information:
  • The location of open storage where signal content is saved.
These Social Trading Bots are defined under the User Profile of the provider. Since they live within the provider’s profile and can be referenced by recipients, the Social Trading Bot is the only interface between the provider and and the recipient. This means that only signal data is shared, no other sensitive data or configuration details are vulnerable on the network or saved publicly.
Social Trading Bot Configuration
  • codeName This is the name this bot will use internally within the user's instance of the Superalgos Platform.
  • handle This is the name this bot will use on the Superalgos peer to peer network.
Initial Values
These are the Initial Values for Social Trading Bot configuration:
This is a list of properties featured by the Social Trading Bot configuration. Expanding a property shows sample values for the property extracted from the current Workspace.
Social Trading Bot Menu
The Social Trading Bot node has the following Node Menu items:
The Configure menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Configure
  • actionFunction: uiObject.configEditor.activate
  • label: Configure
  • iconPathOn: configuration
  • iconPathOff: configuration
The Add Available Signals menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Add UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
  • propertyToCheckFor: availableSignals
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
  • label: Add Available Signals
  • relatedUiObjectProject: Trading-Signals
The Add Available Storage menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Add UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • disableIfPropertyIsDefined: true
  • propertyToCheckFor: availableStorage
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
  • label: Add Available Storage
  • relatedUiObjectProject: Open-Storage
The Add Followed Bot Reference menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Add UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
  • label: Add Followed Bot Reference
  • relatedUiObject: Followed Bot Reference
  • relatedUiObjectProject: Social-Trading
The Delete menu item has the following properties:
  • action: Delete UI Object
  • actionProject: Visual-Scripting
  • askConfirmation: true
  • confirmationLabel: Confirm to Delete
  • label: Delete
  • iconPathOn: delete-entity
  • iconPathOff: delete-entity
  • actionFunction: payload.executeAction
Social Trading Bot Children
The Social Trading Bot node has the following childrenNodesProperties:
The Signing Account node property features the following properties:
  • name: signingAccount
  • type: node
  • project: Governance
  • autoAdd: false
The Available Signals node property features the following properties:
  • name: availableSignals
  • type: node
  • project: Trading-Signals
  • autoAdd: false
The Available Storage node property features the following properties:
  • name: availableStorage
  • type: node
  • actionProject: Open-Storage
  • autoAdd: false
The Followed Bot Reference node property features the following properties:
  • name: followedBotReference
  • type: array
  • childType: Followed Bot Reference
  • project: Social-Trading
  • autoAdd: false
Social Trading Bot Attaching Rules
The following are the Node Attaching Rules that govern the attachment of Social Trading Bot with other nodes:
Compatible Types: